DISCLAIMER: If You Don't 'Read Words' And Prefer A Summary Or A 'Gist Of It' or Aren't Comfortable Reading 'Technical Reference Manuals', This Website Isn't For You And You Won't Be Able To Remember It. You Should Visit https://www.cliffsnotes.com/ Instead.
CELEBRITY BLACKOUT: Celebrities Have No Business In Computer Engineering And Remain Blocked From Access To This Data. They're Too Annoying With Their 'Spy' Programs Like Melissa McCarthy's Movie, 'Spy' Trying To Addendum Everything Remotely - Because All Their Math Is Wrong, They Can't Perform Basic Accounting, And Have To Have Accountants Hand Down Money To Them For Things They Want... If I Got Mixed Up With Them, I'd Become Brain Dead... So We Remain Separated From The 'Celebrity Crowd'.

The Most Important Math In The World: The Circumference Of Earth Is 16,000 Quantized Miles or 40,000 Quantized Kilometres Around The Equator.
QLTCP Engineering Silicon Valley American-Metric Darwinism Based Space-Time Now (All Particles Have A Location - X,Y, & Z And Time Constant, T):
Wristwatches That Are Engineered To Quantized Linear Time Should Be Called 'QLT Movement' Watches.
Estimated Quantized Seconds Since 01/01/0000, AC: 147,905,832,608.796295
This Is 5,916,233,304,351,851,937,792 Qubits Since 01/01/0000, AC
The SphereQ Corporation Quantized Rulers: A 200 Quantized Millimetre Ruler Has 4,000,000 Qubits As A Unit Of Distance.

Many People May Prefer Einsteins Physics Models And Traditional Newtonian Physics & The Atomic Time Standard With Relativity Theory, But Computers Keep Failing There And Most Of The World Collapsed Into The Einstein-Rosen Bridge, So This Is The New Non-Government Approved Or Used Standard That Replaces Atomic Time & Relativity Theory After The Y2K38 Superbug.
These Works Specifically Remain Detached From All Religions Because It Appears To Give Some Vulnerable Few Delusions Of Grandeur And The Belief They Are God (There Are Homeless People All Over Los Angeles Proclaiming They Are God, Which Makes A Belief In 'God' Difficult Since Few People Understand What The Word Really Means And I Don't Want To Have These Works Associated With Praising Homeless Men In Los Angeles That Think They're God). These Works Remain Specifically Dedicated To Darwinism And Aren't Government Associated.
The Greatest Form Of Attack Is To Label A Person As 'God' And Let Those That Woship 'God' Wage War Against Them. This Is What Happened To Most Scientologists And Members Of Several Other Organizations That Practice Very Old And No Longer Valid Religious Beliefs. It's Important To Remain Darwinistic And Life A Life Without The Concept Of 'God', Because 'God' Really Means 'To Explore'.
Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation Have Already Won The 'Quantum Computing' Race, or Specifically, 'Quantized Linear Time Computing'.

Many Government Databases Rolled Over During The Y2K38 Superbug Which Changed And Caused The Inaccurate Transposition Of Birth & Other Dates That Exclude The Year Notation, So Can't Be Used For An Accurate Population List.
Most Of America And Other Countries Are Battling A Time System And End Up Taking It Out On Each Other. It Literally Just Takes A Couple Minutes To Post The New Quantum Year Online And Would Be Much Easier Than Having Riots In The Streets Reliving America 30 Years Ago.
Large Portions Of The Remaining Unites States Population Are Obsessed With The Concept Of 'Government Agents' Instead Of Calling The Y2K38 Superbug What It Is, A Very, Very Large Problem.
Keep Missing Persons Reports Open To Reunite Matthew Shawn Lindholm With His Wife And Kids, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm As Soon As Possible.

Microsoft Corporation or Intel Corporation Can Engineer A QLT Radio Broadcast Tower For Silicon Valley

QLTCP Engineering
Silicon Valley
Quantized Linear Time
For Computing

Time Is Measured By SphereQ

QLTCP Engineering Silicon Valley American-Metric Darwinism Quantized Linear Time Computing (QLTC) Year Now: 02054 - 02055, LLQT/SVQT/AQT
This Year & Time System Is Established From Inside The U.S.A. And Attached To The U.S. NIST & International Atomic Time Clocks Due To The Measurement Difference Between The Metric Standards & American Standards.

The Most Important Math In The World: The Circumference Of Earth Is 16,000 Quantized Miles or 40,000 Quantized Kilometres Around The Equator.
QLTCP Engineering Silicon Valley American-Metric Darwinism Space-Time Now (All Particles Have A Location - X,Y, & Z And Time Constant, T):
Estimated Quantized Seconds Since 01/01/0000, AC: 147,905,832,608.796295
This Is 5,916,233,304,351,851,937,792 Qubits Since 01/01/0000, AC
The SphereQ Corporation Quantized Rulers: A 200 Quantized Millimetre Ruler Has 4,000,000 Qubits As A Unit Of Distance.

"Quantized Time Isn't Relative, It's Measured From 01/01/0000, AC And Counted From That Point In Days, Hours, Minutes, & Seconds. The Amount Of Time That Has Passed Now Is Estimated At 739,529 Days or 1,479,058,000,000 Seconds. All Time On Earth Is Established From 'Christian Timelines' From Year 0, AC However, Quantized Linear Time Is Separated From All Government And Religion Directly Because It's Dedicated To Non-Biased Corporate Law, In Which The Customer Comes First And We Don't Encriminate Based Upon Color Of Skin, Religion, or Other Factors." -Matthew Shawn Lindholm

All Computers And Electronics Require The Usage Of 'Measured' or 'Quantized' Time Counts For The Electronic Signals To Synchronize. Anyone That's Fighting 'Quantized' or 'Measured' Time Is Clearly Suffering From Some Form Insanity.
Delusion of grandeur is a false belief in one's power or importance. It may be a symptom of a mental health disorder and can cause confusion between what is real and what is not. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/delusions-of-grandeur

No Portion Of Quantized Linear Time or Physics Can Be Assigned To A Specific Religion Or Government Because It Causes A Form Of 'Singularity' With Religion And Government Is Extremely Religious, Causing A Collapse Of Both Systems Into A Combined Mess Of Fragmented Thoughts As Sins Among The Collective Population. Most Would Lose Their Individual Identity As A Result.
The 9 Day Week Remains Separated From Christianity, Egyptian, Islamic, Asian, And Related Religions Made Popular By The 7th Day Adventist Church And 7 Day Religious Week And All Other Religions And Calendars That Use A 7 Day Week And Non-Scientifically Accurate Solar Orbit Calculation, Day Count Per Year, And Day Count Per Month.

The United States of America Is Converted To Silicon Valley American-Metric Quantized Linear Time & Dimensions For The Engineering Of Quantize Linear Time Computer Processors.
We're Not Paid To Work For The Government or Military, And This Work Remains Property Of And Original Works Of The Lindholm & Lehmans And Licensed To The Population Through Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation For Making New Products.
The United States Government And Military Decided Not To Use Quantized Physics, Time, And Measurements, So It's Licensed Through SphereQ Corporation.

Date Now: 2054-10-05 03:54:47, AUFT
16 Years Ago The Y2K38 Superbug Rolled Over Causing A Division Of The World Into Two Realities And The Formation Of The Einstein-Rosen Bridge. All The Computer Stores Began Getting Shut Down And Even Computer Repair People Weren't Able To Work Or Repair Computers Any Longer. Fry's Electronics Was Secretly Closed During Y2K38 With The Reason That All Their Electronics Would Fail During Y2K38 And The Manufacturers Had No Way To Recall Or Repair Them.

"Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence.
Life meaning to lift, Liberty meaning educational freedom of knowledge, and the Pursuit of Happiness meaning the ability to live out events or happenings... any and all forms of government or societies that work to prevent these basic american freedoms are dissolved as traitors.

On January 19th, 2008, AC The Julian Year Of 2008, AC Began Conflicting With The Quantized Linear Time Year of 2038, LLQT Creating An Alternate Timeline In Which The Mass Population Began Being Redirected To A Different Reality. Some Were Redirected To 1901, AC and some were redirected to 1969, AC and other were redirected to 1988, AC. So The Quantum Year & Time Structure Remains The Final Linear Time System On Earth Preventing The Rollover To The Past.

The Majority Of The Violence Throughout The United States And Other Places Took Place During The Y2K38 Superbug. Only A Foolish Government Would Obstruct The Usage Of Quantized Linear Time From The General Population And Jeopardize The Safety And Wellbeing Of The Human Race.

Matthew Shawn Lindholm Still Hasn't Received A Single Cent From The United States Government For His Work On Y2K38 And Neither Has His Wife And Kids. They Remain Exonerated Of All Criminal Government Activity And Charges.
Several Thousand Hours Went Into This Project And It Would Be A Violation Of Minimum Wage Labor Laws For Any Corporation, Government, Or Military Attempting To Use It Without Permission or Compensation So It Remains Licensed To Microsoft & Intel Corporation For The Purpose Of Improving Video Games. The Government Hasn't Done A Single Thing For Us And Remain Excluded.

We're Not Service Members. Service Members Get Paid By The Government... So, We Can Put That Idea To Rest.
The Lindholm & Lehman Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Computing Time, Measurement, And Physics Systems Remain Licensed To The Global Darwinism Based Biological Population & Paying Licensees Of SphereQ Corporation / Microsoft Corporation / Intel Corporation QLTCP Compatible Hardware & Software.

All Variations Of These Time And Physics Systems Remain Separated From The Government And Military To Prevent Age Regression. I Myself Don't Want To Be 14 Year Old In A 44 Year Olds Body and i don't want to relive the life i lived 30 years ago being taken care of by my mother.
The United States Government, A Victim Of Their Own Legal Codes Are Stuck Reliving The Year 1994, AC Due To The Epoch Rollover Until They Use The Quantized Linear Time Year, So We Remain Separated From Them.

Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation Has Over 200,000 Employees And Is Well Equipped To Engineer These New Products.
Scandinavians Are The Best Computer Programmers, Electrical Engineers, And Overall Best Skilled People On Earth. Anyone Else In The Field Is Likely Educated By Them In One Way Or Another Because Other Countries And Nationalities Choose To Be Lazy And Not Study And Some Choose To Steal From Other People Instead Of Doing Things Themselves.
This is to prevent the government from forcing anyone into the epoch rollover years or having to re-experience or relive the past.

Anyone that tries to upload our minds into their minds trying to become smarter will have their minds filled with decades of television, music, and movie memories and dialogue. It would destroy the government, military, and other individuals if they tried the 'Avatar' mind upload projects.
We're not allowed to endorse any form of government owned or operated or represented by a corporation, so we're staying small business owners. The government can fend for themselves, don't ask for our help.

If at any point in time a government restricts the progress of mankind, especially by way of accidental mathematics or confusion about reality, in the case of using the wrong mathematics along with computers which may jeopardize the record keeping practices and even cause people to have to relive the same events over and over again, that form of government is obsolete and cannot serve any portion of the population. In the event of the epoch rollover and failure of public announcement of it by an inept government, that government is no longer of sound mind to represent anyone and is considered to be no longer valid.
This Website Is Part Of Matthew Shawn Lindholms Application To Work At Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation In Quantized Linear Time Computing Hardware & Software Engineering.
This Is The Y2K38 Epoch Rollover, Called The Epochalypse. The Best Thing Most Normal People Can Do Is Use The Quantized Linear Time Year On Their Websites To Help Prevent Data Loss. It's 2054, LLQT. You Can Read More At Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem. The Epochalypse Started In Early 2006, AC And Is the Main Cause Of Financial And Banking Issues And Even The Mortgage And Lending Crisis Of That Decade. It's Recommended All Financial Institutions Utilize The Quantized Linear Time Year For Time Stability.
The Y2K Bug Hysteria Cost About $100 Billion USD When It Happened. https://people.com/human-interest/y2k-millennium-bug-20-year-anniversary/#
Because Quantized Measurements According To The Real Distance Of A Kilometre Place A Person About 2705 Kilometres From The Center Of The Earth With A 86,400 Second Day & Night Cycle Calculating The Circumference Of The World At About 17,000 Kilometres, The Old Time Standard Is No Longer Usable And Would Result In A Transposition Into Hell Or The Catholic Hollow World.
The United States Government Has Still Not Asked Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, or Maya Faith Lindholm For Assistance In Any Way With Helping Fix The Y2K38 Bug, So... As They Say, This Website And All Content From It Remains Property Of Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, And Maya Faith Lindholm.
Video Game Developers That Can Create Vast And Complex Virtual Worlds, Economies, And Legal Systems Remain Far Above The United States Government & United Nations Government. Real And Accounted For Economics Are Easy For Computer Programmers, So It's Understandable We Want Nothing To Do With Politicians, Government, or Religious Warfare And Conflicts.
No Person May Legally Pay Taxes To A Corporation Such As Amazon or Akamai Posing As Government Without Being Charged And Convicted Of 'Funding Of Domestic Terrorism'. So If You Aren't Paying Your Taxes Right Now, You're Doing The Right Thing. Corporations Aren't Allowed To Host, Mitigate, Or Interfere With United States Government Operations And Misrepresentation Is Why Amazon.com Is No Longer In Business.

You Can Tell The 'Drug Enforcement Agency' We're Trying To Live 'Drug Free' And 'Sober Lives' And We Don't Want Drugs Enforced On Our Minds And To Go Away.
We're Also Not Allowed To Support Or Endorse Donald Trump As President, This Is Because He Worked To Create An A.I. Government And Use Computers As Government Instead Of People, The Project Caused International Brain Damage To The Population, Which Is An Act Of Terrorism.

Most Government & Military Text On This Website Is Representative Of Fictional, Video Game Content And In No Way Represents Reality, So No One Confuses The Two. There's no money in our budget to fund a real government, so government has to fund themselves.
All Minds Remain Copyprotected, Readprotected, Writeprotected, & Extractionprotected.
The Reality Around Us Is Composed Of Only Physical Things. There Isn't Anything That Isn't Physical.
It Takes A Lot Of Energy To Synchronize 5 Billion People, I'm Not Doing Any More Without Financial Compensation. I'm Tired Of Being Homeless And Unemployed For 6+ Years.
Because This Also Involves The Einstein-Rosen Bridge And Collapse Of Energy Using Einsteins Calculation Of Energy, It's Important To Not Call The 'Country' On The Other Side Of The Einstein-Rosen Bridge America Even If It May Appear Like America At Times.

This Page Remains Declassified Because We Don't Want To Be Part Of 'Hells Army' Of Imposters. This Is Classic Demonology And The Classification Of Demons. Religious Extremists Can Be Very Dangerous For Just Normal People Like Us That Want To Work On Computers. We Also Don't Want To Be Part Of 'Gods Army' Either... We Don't Want To Be Part Of Any Army. That's Why We Work At Home On Our Own Projects And Play Video Games.
Missing Persons Reports And Search And Rescue Requests Remain Open To Locate And Reunite Matthew Shawn Lindholm With His Wife And Kids, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm.
Antichrist meaning 'Toward Christ', The Story Of Antichrist As Related To Adolf Hitler Is That He Based His Entire Life And Theology On The Bible And Then Had Them Burned And Banned To Prevent People From Making That Association That He Idealized Himself As The Savior In The Bible And Didn't Want Any Evidence Of Him Copying Himself As Jesus Christ To Be Recorded Or Known (He Had An Abnormal 'Savior' Dictator Psychological Disorder). Those Against Christianity Are Generally Called 'Cathichrist'... So, We Prefer Remaining Neutral Regarding Religion.

To Be Used For The Creation Of Intel Evolution™ 4D Series or SphereQ Evolution Q/4D Series Quantized Time Silicon Processors & Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System & Unix-Q/Linux-Q Platforms For 128-Qubit, 256-Qubit, & 512-Qubit Architectures. Also To Be Used To Patch Computers Effected By The Y2K38 Superbug.
This Website Is A Business Project Studying Physics By Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Lindholm Industries, LLC, And/Or SphereQ Corporation And Remains Private Code.
We're Not Able To Be And Don't Want To Be Federal, Military, or Government Employees And Impersonating Them Remains A Criminal Charge Of 25 Years In Prison, We Prefer Remaining Private Corporate Business Owners/Employees. It's Already Been Determinated No One Can 'Assume A Role' In Government or In Business As Unlawful Acting And Impersonation. Those Found Guilty Of Impersonating Government or Military Personnel Are Often Put Into The World Of Eternal Damnation or A Non-Optional 20+ Year Prison Term.
All Minds Remain Copyprotected, Readprotected, Writeprotected, & Extractionprotected.
The Reality Around Us Is Composed Of Only Physical Things. There Isn't Anything That Isn't Physical.
All Variations Of God And Supernatural 'Deities' Remain Disabled And Don't Exist. This Is The Final Verdict After Humans In God 'Programs' Kept Trying To Respawn Populations On Earth.
As Darwinists/Evolutionists, Spiritualism Is Against Our 'Beliefs' It Goes Against Too Many Proven Scientific Facts And Laws.

We're Not Able To Be And Don't Want To Be Federal, Military, or Government Employees And Impersonating Them Remains A Criminal Charge Of 25 Years In Prison, We Prefer Remaining Private Corporate Business Owners. It's Already Been Determinated No One Can 'Assume A Role' In Government or In Business As Unlawful Acting And Impersonation. Those Found Guilty Of Impersonating Government or Military Personnel Are Often Put Into The World Of Eternal Damnation.
All Photonic Calculators Being Sold And Advertised As Quantum Computers, Such As Those Currently Advertised On Intel.com Are To Be Pulled From Usage Under False Advertising Laws. Units Like This Are Required To Be Pulled As Non-Functional And Non-Practical And Non-Applicable: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/research/quantum-computing.html.
Non-Profit Religious Organizations And For-Profit Corporations Can't Be Mixed Together.

QLTCP Engineering Silicon Valley American-Metric Darwinism Quantized Linear Time For Computing

QLTCP Broadcast Tower Coming Soon

The Only Population Are Those With Live Records Of Biological Birth, Everyone Else Are Considered To Be Fictional.

Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, Washington

Awaiting Broadcast:
MSNBC Special Report
For The Y2K38 Bug
2008, AC to 2018, AC

All Computers & Systems Not Patched To Quantized Linear Time or Adapted Unified Field Theory Compatibility Remain Subject To FCC Interference And Further Interference According To The Mathematics They Use Of The Flat Earth, It's How They're Built.

I Don't Mate With Replicants, The Undead, or Fictional Characters, Stay Away From Me.

The New Silicon
SphereQ/Intel/Microsoft Processor Name:
SphereQ/Intel/Microsoft Q/4D Series
Quantized Linear Time Computing Processors (QLTP)
Q/4D024 - 01.68 Giga-Q-Hertz
Q/4D025 - 03.36 Giga-Q-Hertz
Q/4D026 - 06.71 Giga-Q-Hertz
Q/4D027 - 13.42 Giga-Q-Hertz
Compatible With:
Microsoft Evolution™
Operating System

For 128-Qubit x86 Architectures
For 128-Qubit x86 Architectures

The Hardware For The
SphereQ/Intel/Microsoft Processors

'SphereQ/Intel/Microsoft Evolution Series'
Composed Of Laptops, Desktops, Tower Servers, & Rack Mount Servers
'Evolution' Is Fully Spelled. It's Not 'Evo'.

For Microsoft Quantized
Linear Time Computing Platform

America & Silicon Valley Measures Time With Quantized Linear Time For Computing


This Project Is Remaining Closed Source For The Creation Of Silicon Based Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP).

Quantized Linear Time By
SphereQ Corporation
For Quantized Computing
Lindholm Industries, LLC/
SphereQ Corporation
Part Of Our 50-100
Year Business Plan

Lindholm & Lehman
Quantized Linear Computing Procesing Time
03/18/02054, LLQT
Days Since Quantized Year Zero

Year 02054 of 65536 (3%)

40 Monitoring Stations
Measure Time Around The Equator.

The Earth Rotates At
2,000 Kilometres Per
Quantized Hour

Decimal Time Now
Decimal Day This Year

One Multivitamin A Day, Helps Keep The Doctor Away.

Lindholm & Lehman - Quantized Linear Time & Adapted Unified Field Theory - Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm www.unifiedtime.org

All Variations Of This Physics Structure Remain Property Of Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm As Licensed To Other Corporations. No Portion Of These Time & Physics Systems Have Anything To Do With Nazi Germany (As Can Be Evidenced By Old Nazi Literature Or Any Other Organization). It Is Also Not The 'Arc Of The Covenant', Which Is A Box That Held The Ten Commandment Stones. It's Simply A New Spherical Earth Time Model, The Grand Theory Of Everything, Planetary Thermodynamics, The End Of Climate Change, Sub-Atomic Particle Physics Corrections, And Of Course Some New And Fun Electronic Devices For Video Games. New Quantized Measuring Tools Can Be Used At Any School, College, Or University Across The World. All Individuals In Government That Express The Lack Of Empathy And Care About Their Fellow Mankind Remain Removed From Power As Psychologically Ill And Leaning Towards Sociopathic Illness. It's Become Common Among The GOP And As A Result, They Can't Be Utilized. Sometimes, Being Right Doesn't Matter As Much As Being Human And Caring About Others.

March Meaning 1, March is the 1st month of the Year, Sept meaning 7, September is the 7th month of the year. Oct meaning 8, October is the 8th month of the year. Nov meaning 9, November is the 9th month of the year. Dec meaning 10, December is the 10th month of the year.
Quantized Months/Decimal Months:
Months: MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Decimal Value: 0123456789
Decimal Month: 12345678910

A QLTCP Processor Has To Oscillate At 40,000,000,000 Qubits Per Quantized Second, Or 40 Quantized Gigahertz. Higher Processor Frequencies Can Be Achieved By Multiplying This Value Into Sub-Qubit Ranges, Such As 80, 160, 320, or 640 Quantized Gigahertz. The Fastest Known Frequency I've Found Is 800 GigaHertz (Atomic Time Scale), Which Means It's Likely That Processing Power Can Be Multiplied A Few Times Before Frequency Limitations Are Reached And It Becomes Necessary To Increase Core Count To Improve Total Processor Compute Performance. A 128 Qubit System Clock Counter Is High Enough Resolution To Count All Second And Subsecond Values Throughout A Year Into Sub-Planck Time Frequencies. It's Unlikely A Processor With A Larger Width Than This Will Ever Be Needed For Most Purposes. The Term 'Subqubit' Is Invented To Explain The Division Of A Time Period Associated With A Qubit, Which Is 0.000005 Quantized Millimetres In Length Into Smaller Segments of Space-Time. Each Division Will Make A Subqubit Which Is Half The Length Of The Prior, Or 0.0000025 Quantized Millimetres, 0.00000125 Quantized Millimetres, 0.000000625 Quantized Millimetres, Etc.

Quantized Linear Time Compatible Electronics Can Be Made By Multiplying The Wall Frequency To 231.48 Hertz To Create Clean Power Independent Of Orbital Monitoring Stations, But Orbital Monitoring Stations Are Recommended To Separate From The Atomic Time Standard.

Both Greek And Latin Are Evolved From Nordic Languages. This Is Basic Historic Dating.
Sacramento, California is reprogrammed Wholemento, California So We Don't Forget Everything.
The Daycount On This Time Structure Is Adjusted By 0 Days To Align To The Season, Weather, Temperature, And Orbit.
40 Orbital Monitoring Stations Are To Be Built And Installed Around The Equator To Distribute Quantized Linear Time To Devices Across Earth.
The Resolute Written Word Remains Disabled To Prevent Politicians From Using Social Media To Destroy Humanity And Reform Earth And The Population With It.
Computer Time: All Data Packets Requiring Time Signatures Must Be Future Compliant With Potential Sub-Plank Time Precision, At Five Digit Year Of 16 Bits, With A Maximum Value Of 65536 & 128 Bit Time Stamp - The Maximum Timestamp Being 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 Representing Quantized Time Throughout A Year, Each Year Having A Standard Of 72,000,000 Seconds.
NTP.ORG Is Required To Establish New Time Standards For New And Emerging Technologies According To Measured Time To Support A Growing Demand For And Usage Of Electronics Products. We Recommend The NTP-Q Standard As The Primary Network Time Protocol Because It May Be Reverse Adapted To Other Time Standards.
QTP (Quantized Time Protocol) Is To Upgrade Network Time Protocol (NTP) For Computer Networks.
Self Driving Cars Began Failing When GPS Sensors Started Rolling Over Causing Loss Of Location Data. Self Driving Cars Remain Illegal By The Department Of Transportation And Have To Be Revised As 'Assisted Driving Vehicles'.
QTFS (Quantized Technology File System) Is The Quantized Linear Time & Measurement Compatible Version Of The NTFS File System For Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System.
All Nuclear Programs Must Utilize The New Quantized Linear Time & Measurement Formula For Several Calculations, Including Energy According To A Spherical Earth Time & Dimensional Model, or E=MC (Must Be Verified According To 200,000 Second Day/Night Cycle) - I Don't Have The Equipment. Mass, Energy, And The Speed Of Light Must First Be Corrected.
Cryptocurrency: All Cryptocurrency Remains Ordered For Seizure And Deletion Under IMF Money Laundering Laws By The United Nations. There Are No Exceptions (https://www.imf.org/external/np/leg/amlcft/eng/aml1.htm). All Cryptocurrency Is Categorized As Laundered Money. No Person Being Able To Profit From Laundered Money, It's All To Be Deleted And All Cryptocurrency Converted To Government Money And Assets Acquired From Cryptocurrency Are Required To Be Seized And Destroyed Or Sold.
Quad Island Is A Hypthetical Island That Doesn't Exist But Could If Built To Be Used For Quantized Linear Time Monitoring.
Planetary Thermodynamics state the closer an object is to a heat source, the hotter the object gets. This is why the middle of summer is when the earth is closest to the sun and the middle of winter is when the earth is farthest away from the sun.
Qubit: A Standard Bit Meaning 0 or 1 Oscillating At And Tied To Space-Time (Qu meaning Quad or Four Dimensions). A Qubit Can Not Be A 0 or 1 At The Same Time Or Neither A 0 or 1 At The Same Time.

The Circumference Of Earth Is 40,000 Quantized Kilometres And The Number Of Seconds That Pass Every Day And Night Is 200,000 Quantized Seconds.
Based On The Rate Of Rotation Of Earth Being 2000 Kilometres Per Quantized Hour or 200 Metres Per Quantized 1.0 Minute or 0.2 Metres Per Quantized 1.0 Second:
One Metre Being 1000 Millimetres, 200 Quantized Millimetres Can Be Synchronized To 1 Quantized Second. This Unifies 200 Millimetres To 8 Quantized Inches Of 25 Millimetres Each For Usage In Schools And Drafting.
With The New Millimetre Measurement, The Cubic Centimetre (A Unit Of Volume) Is Now Much Different And Various Volumes Can Be Corrected.
Distance Is Attached To Time And Measured According To...
Quantized Metric System - SphereQ Corporation:
0.200000000000000000000000000000 Metres Per Quantized 1.000000000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.100000000000000005551115123126 Metres Per Quantized 0.500000000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.050000000000000002775557561563 Metres Per Quantized 0.250000000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.025000000000000001387778780781 Metres Per Quantized 0.125000000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.012500000000000000693889390391 Metres Per Quantized 0.062500000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.006250000000000000346944695195 Metres Per Quantized 0.031250000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.003125000000000000173472347598 Metres Per Quantized 0.015625000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.001562500000000000086736173799 Metres Per Quantized 0.007812500000000000000000000000 Second.
0.000781250000000000043368086899 Metres Per Quantized 0.003906250000000000000000000000 Second.
0.000390625000000000021684043450 Metres Per Quantized 0.001953125000000000000000000000 Second.
0.000195312500000000010842021725 Metres Per Quantized 0.000976562500000000000000000000 Second.
0.000097656250000000005421010862 Metres Per Quantized 0.000488281250000000000000000000 Second.
0.000048828125000000002710505431 Metres Per Quantized 0.000244140625000000000000000000 Second.
0.000024414062500000001355252716 Metres Per Quantized 0.000122070312500000000000000000 Second.
0.000012207031250000000677626358 Metres Per Quantized 0.000061035156250000000000000000 Second.
0.000006103515625000000338813179 Metres Per Quantized 0.000030517578125000000000000000 Second.
0.000003051757812500000169406589 Metres Per Quantized 0.000015258789062500000000000000 Second.
0.000001525878906250000084703295 Metres Per Quantized 0.000007629394531250000000000000 Second.
0.000000762939453125000042351647 Metres Per Quantized 0.000003814697265625000000000000 Second.
0.000000381469726562500021175824 Metres Per Quantized 0.000001907348632812500000000000 Second.
0.000000190734863281250010587912 Metres Per Quantized 0.000000953674316406250000000000 Second.

Quantized American Standard System - SphereQ Corporation:
8.000000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 1.000000000000000000000000000000 Second.
4.000000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.500000000000000000000000000000 Second.
2.000000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.250000000000000000000000000000 Second.
1.000000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.125000000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.500000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.062500000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.250000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.031250000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.125000000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.015625000000000000000000000000 Second.
0.062500000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.007812500000000000000000000000 Second.
0.031250000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.003906250000000000000000000000 Second.
0.015625000000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.001953125000000000000000000000 Second.
0.007812500000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000976562500000000000000000000 Second.
0.003906250000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000488281250000000000000000000 Second.
0.001953125000000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000244140625000000000000000000 Second.
0.000976562500000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000122070312500000000000000000 Second.
0.000488281250000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000061035156250000000000000000 Second.
0.000244140625000000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000030517578125000000000000000 Second.
0.000122070312500000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000015258789062500000000000000 Second.
0.000061035156250000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000007629394531250000000000000 Second.
0.000030517578125000000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000003814697265625000000000000 Second.
0.000015258789062500000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000001907348632812500000000000 Second.
0.000007629394531250000000000000 Inches Per Quantized 0.000000953674316406250000000000 Second.

The Circumference Of Earth Being 40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres.
40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres Multiplied By 200,000 Quantized Seconds Equals 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits.
There Are 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits Around The Circumference Of Earth.
Reversed: 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits Divided By 40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres = 200,000.00 Quantized Seconds.
The Size Of A Qubit Is 0.0000050000 Quantized Millimetres.
Because There Are 20 Quantized Meridians (Or Time Zone Points Around The Equator), The Number Of Qubits Per Hour or Time Zone Is 400,000,000,000,000.00

Micronations: Micronations are defined as small areas that attempt to enforce and utilize their own laws, separate from federal, state, and local regulations. The united states military remains tasked with recovering all assets and properties from all micronations on united states soil and the same for other militaries on foreign soil to their original governments. Micronations include corporations, often with workforces of hundreds or thousands of people. All micronations on united states soil remain ordered for seizure by way of property title transfer and physical occupation upon formation by the united states federal government and united states military. This is part of regulation. Akamai And Those Hosting Government And Military Websites Are Categorized As Micronations. As does Facebook and most Scientology operations and Catholic, Islamic, & Israeli Microcommunities.
The Architecture That A Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Uses For A Qubit Is Identical To A Bit (It's Just Measured). Quantized Linear Time Based Computers Still Have The Same Bit-Width According To The Software Being Written For Them. The Most Common Are 16-Qubit, 32-Qubit, & 64-Qubit To Maintain Compatability With Operating Systems Such As Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System, Unix/Linux, And Even DOS. Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System & Unix-Q/Linux-Q Are Recommended To Be Built For 128-Qubit, 256-Qubit, or 512-Qubit To Account For Larger Memory Space, Storage, And Computing Requirements.
The Natural Frequency Of The Earths Rotation Is: 100.00 Q-Hz (Cycles Per Second) At The Equator.
The Most Efficient Way Of Sampling Quantized Linear Time Compatible Electronics Is To Establish A Small Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Research Campus/City And Adjust It's Power Grid To About 231.48 Hz (From Standard Power Grid Frequency).
The Internet is to be Re-Established As The Enternet. This Is The Famous Web 2.0 Everyone Wanted.
Time Travel: The Perception Of Time Travel May Be Achieved By Shifting The Time Zones From A Balanced Value To An Off-Balanced Value, As An Example, -13 & +11 Standard Hours or -9 & +11 Quantized Hours. For This Reason, Positive Timezones Are Required To Prevent The Manipulation Of The Past. If Someone Attempted To Go Into The Past And Stop World War II, The Present Day Earth Would Come Undone And The Paradox Effect Would Rewrite The Memories Of The Population And People Would Appear And Disappear Without Explanation.
Epoch time, if written to end in 2038 AC. As a trick against technology, the year 2008 AC would look like 2038, LLQT due to an accumulated 30 year difference between julian dates and physical time (the number of revolutions the earth has made around the sun). Because of this The Julian/Gregorian Year And Quantum Year Are Differentiated As Two Separate Year Notations. One Notated With 'AC' and one with 'QT'. This Difference Is And Remains Required To Be Displayed.
Orbital Monitoring Stations: Daylight Savings Time Is Eliminated As A Mathematical Error. It Causes People To Be Late To Work, School, And Various Obligations. Orbital Monitoring Stations Are Required At Various Points Along The Equator To Stabilize Computer And Network Time.
The First Quantized Computers (Desktop, Laptop, And Servers) Will Use Frequency Multipliers/Dividers To Change The Wall Frequency From 60Hz/50Hz To 231.48 Hz or 100 Q-Hertz At The Power Supply To The Mainboard (The Name For A Quantized Computer Motherboard) - This Is The Required Incoming Power Frequency On All Quantized Computers. Eventually, Most Things Will Be Upgraded.
The First Quantized Linear Time Computing Processors Are x86 Instruction Set Compatible So Customers Will Have A Familiar Sense Of Using Them And Programming For Them.
Clean Power: Is Power Coming From The Wall At 231.48 Hz or 100 Quantized Hertz. This Eliminates Static Noise That Plagues Stereos And Electronics.
A Qubyte is A Sequence Of 8 Qubits. Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Still Required Traditional Programming Languages Such As Assembly Language, C, C++, & C#. They Simply Use Different Timing & Frequencies Than Computers Based On Atomic Time Standards. C/C++/C# Books Should Be Written Specifically Quantized Linear Time Computing Processors (QLTP) Programming Because Several Things Are Calculated And Programmed Differently. Microsoft Visual Studio Has To Be Re-Programmed & Re-Compiled For Quantized Linear Time Architectures.
Filmography Refinement Process For Archiving & Production Broadcasting On Quantized Linear Time Displays And Streaming Video Services: Using Transitional Imaging Algorithms, All Fixed Frame Footage Filmed Or Recorded At 15 FPS/30 FPS/60 FPS/ETC Can Be Converted To Static 100 Q-Hertz Framerate To Real Time Playback Using Frame To Frame Generated Images Using Image Processing Calculations (Or By Hand With Image Editing Programs).
A New Symbol/Notation Is Required For Division To The Power Of As There Is For Multiplication To The Power Of. I Recommend Xn Example: 1002 Which Equals 400.
This May Be Only Applicable When Dividing Time-Space Frequencies To Double Or Multiply The Resulting Value In Hertz. It's Not Possible To Stop Time On Earth And It's Fixed At This
100 Q-Hz Cycle. The Only Way To Raise The Clockrate On Quantized Computers Is To Divide From This 100 Q-Hz Fixed Frequency Of Motion From The Equator.

Until Intel Corporation Knows The Width Of A Qubyte, They're In No Shape To Build, Manufacture, Design, or Engineer A Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP).

Microsoft Maps Is To Be Rebranded As Microsoft Earth Modeling. The Term 'TomTom' Sounds Like It's A Toy.
Microsoft Bing Is To Be Rebranded As Microsoft Search. So Search.com Is To Be Bought By Microsoft. The Domain Will Sell Relatively Cheaply And Become The New Search Standard. All English Speaking People Know How To Spell 'Search' When They're Looking For Something. Bing Was A Terrible Name.

Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System: Personal, Business, & Server Editions Are To Be Written For Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Compatibility.
Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System: Government & Military Editions Are To Be Made For Integration With Various Government Services And Custom Hardware & Software For Things Like City Planning, Standardized Forms & Data Connectivity Specialized To Job Titles, Map Data (Including Pipe, Electrical, And Real Estate Data), Real Estate Valuation Tools, And Other, Likely Classified Or Private Software Packages, & 30+ Year Security Features Using Encryption That Is Complex Enough To Last 30+ Years In Service.
Complex Data Encryption Algorithms Still Haven't Been Broken By Quantized Computers Because There Aren't Any Quantized Computers Yet. All Things Remain Limited By Computation Time & Complexity. All QLTCP Computers Remain Limited To The Physical Restrictions Of Electronic Components, Including The Speed Of Electricity & And Transistor Switching Speed.

Standardizing The Dimensions Of Pixel At 0.20 Quantized Millimetres Is A Good Start To Moving Towards The 'Boxel', A 3 Dimensional Pixel In The Shape Of A Cube. If This Standard Size Of A Pixel Is Established, A Boxel Will Be Sized At 0.20 q-mm x 0.20 q-mm x 0.20 q-mm And Can Be Integrated Into 4 Dimensional TFT Display Technology.
The Boxel Image Format Is To Be Created For These 3D Pixel Based Images To Help Give More Texture To Objects Than Polygons Can Provide. Each Boxel Can Be Assigned A Weight or Mass For More Realistic Gaming.
Standardizing The Size Of A Pixel Is Important For Character Scaling And Transferring Resolution From Screen To Print. 0.20 q-mm Is A Much Higher Resolution Than The Original Size Of A Pixel Established In The 1970's.
Enternet Protocol Address Space (Number Of Addresses): 281474976710656
Extended IPV4 To EP: Because IPV6 Failed And No One Had A Clear Path About How To Use It Or Use/Block The Ports Mostly Due To Readability Of The IP Addresses, IPV4 Is To Be Extended To Standard Notation of a Byte From 0-255 for each address block, extended to 6 Bytes. 256 * 256 * 256 * 256 * 256 * 256 = 281474976710656. This allows up to 281,474,976,710,656 Devices On Earth And Should Last For A Long Period Of Population Growth. IPV4 And This Variant Should Be Cross Compatible So An Entirely New Protocol Doesn't Have To Be Written. The Address Format Will Change From xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx which is really easy to adapt to. Internet Protocol is renamed Enternet Protocol or EP For Short.
The Microsoft Xbox™ Video Game Console is to be phased out and replaced with The Microsoft VueDo™ Game Engine, Running The Evolution™ Operating System For Gaming Platforms & Spherical Earth Multiplayer Network Protocols Using QPS Devices In The VueDo™ To Help Prevent Multiplayer Packet Timing Glitch Errors. Each VueDo™ Game Engine Has It's Own 'Time-Location' Instead Of 'Time Zone'.
The Sony Playstation 4D™ Is The Next Sony Playstation Video Game Engine Created By Video Game Engineers At Sony. Like The Microsoft VueDo™ It Utilizing Intel Evolution™ 4D/Q Series Processors And Quantized Linear Time Computing Processors (QLTP). 4D Of Course Means 'Space-Time' or 4 Dimensions.
Microsoft VoteMate™ Voting Software & Terminals Are To Be Used In Upcoming Elections Because They're Immuned To The Uncertainty Principle. This Is To Become The Evolved Standard For Democratic Voting Systems https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-hart-electionguard-vote-tracking-software-partnership/

Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System: Entertainment Editions Are To Be Created With Pre-Packaged Entertainment Production, Playback, And Video Game Optimizations (For Video Game Creators, Video Producers, And The Entertainment Industry). This Upgrades Standard Installed And Licensed Software From The Standard 'Paint' Application.
The Microsoft Windows Phone Is To Be Remade On The Microsoft Evolution™ Platform Along With Quantized Linear Time Libraries Being Built Into Video Studio C/C++/C#. All Microsoft Phones Have To Be Manufactured Directly By Microsoft From Start To Finish Instead Of Licensing Out Hardware From Companies Such As Nokia & Samsung.
The Evolution™ 4D/Q Compatible Series Laptops, Desktops, & Servers Are To Be Manufactured For The 486/586/686 Architecture (And Other Instruction Sets) According To The Market, Which Is Primarily x86 Based. The Desktops Are To Have Expansion Slots According To The PCI-Q Standard, A 128-Qubit Slot.
This Is How 'New' And 'Original' Technology Is Authored And Manufactured. Intel And Microsoft Can't Just Keep Redoing The Same Things With All The Problems Of The Collapsing Energy Field Crashing The Computers Across Earth. The Y2K38 Was A Very Serious Disaster In Modern Hardware And Software When Quantized Physics Was Worked Into Technology.
Quantized Linear Time Dated Currency Is Perfectly Legal, Even If It Appears Different. It's Just A Year Code And Is No Different Than Commemorative Coins Being Minted. As Long As It's Distributed From The US Mint As Legal Tender, It's Perfectly Acceptable.
Corporate Responsibility: All Technologies That Are In Conflict With The Common Workforce & Economy, Such As Artificial Intelligence And Even Several Branches Of Robotics And Automation Remain Limited By Responsible Companies As A Threat To Hard Working People Of The United States And Other Countries. There Are Thousands Of Other Fields And Topics To Work On That Don't Involve AI.

The Intel Quantized Linear Time Pulse Series Is To Be The New Series Of Intel Motherboards/Mainboards For Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP). The Boards Are Driven With A Specific Frequency Pulse That's Different Than The Standard Dirty Power Found In 60Hz/50Hz Based Electronics That Are A Plague With Audio Systems And Video Systems.
Until Intel Corporation Knows The Width Of A Qubyte, They're In No Shape To Build, Manufacture, Design, or Engineer A Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP).

Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System: Personal, Business, & Server Editions Are To Be Written For Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP).
This Is How 'New' And 'Original' Technology Is Authored And Manufactured. Intel And Microsoft Can't Just Keep Redoing The Same Things With All The Problems Of The Collapsing Energy Field Crashing The Computers Across Earth. The Y2K38 Was A Very Serious Disaster In Modern Hardware And Software When Quantized Physics Was Worked Into Technology.

All Photonic Computer/Calculator Research At Intel Corporation Is Cancelled As The Wrong Path Toward The Elusive 'Quantum Computer' And Is Replaced With This Version.

Intel Pulse Platforms And Chipsets Are Named According To The Generated Pulse Signal That The Hardware Runs On As The Quantized Frequency From The Power Supply Of 100 Quantized Hertz. I Recommend A Pink Floyd Song, Coming Back To Life For This Commercial.
Microsoft Codename: Darwin Should Be The Codename For The Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System.
New Computers And Devices With IP Addresses Are To Use The QPS (Quantized Positioning System) or GPS-Q Data To Return Coordinates Of Computers And Devices When They Are 'Trace Routed' Or Queried Using An Open Port. This Is To Be Built Into The Microsoft Evolution™ Operating System For Safety Purposes And To Help Prevent Various Forms Of Hacking And Criminal Activity.
QPS (Quantized Positioning System) Data Is Structured Down To The Metre, ACntimetre, And Millimetre Resolution On X, Y, Z, & T With A Resolution Mapped To A Circumference Of 40,000 Kilometers And Scalable On All Axis To 80,000+ Kilometres With Time-Location Stamp. In The Event Of Ransomware Or Other Network Attacks, The Devices Will Either Broadcast Their QPS Location With Data Packets To Reply To QPS Location Requests And New Network Switch, Adapter, & Computer Standards.
If Microsoft Quits And Stops Creating New Software And Updates, The United States Government, Europe, And The Rest Of The World Collapses Without Any Software And Computers To Track Data. The Banks Will Shut Down And Everything On Earth Will Turn To Chaos.
No One Likes The Term 'Edge' For Microsoft Edge, So Internet Explorer Is Replaced With Enternet Explorer. Some People At Microsoft Went Overboard Trying Brand Basic And Easy Understand Applications.

Because Quantized Linear Time & Measurement Based Chemistry Resized The 'Mole' And Most Known Values In Chemistry With The New Size Of The Cubic Centimetre/Centimeter And Litre/Liter, Periodic Tables And Most Chemical Formulas Are Now Obsolete And Have To Be Recalculated. The Effects Are Global And Even Effect The Chemical Synthesis Process In Chemical Factories In China, Canada, India, And The United States. Mis-Measurements In Compounding Pharmacies Can Be Deadly In Pills And Medication In 0.1mg-100mg Range Due To Mass Calculation Errors Making Most Medication Too Dangerous To Consume (Depending On The Type Of Medication).

Microsoft Is Tasked With Restructuring The Internet As The Enternet, Bringing About 'Microsoft Enternet Services', The New Website/Web/Content Hosting Platform Extended From IIS, HTML, XML, APACHE, And Other Internet Libraries And Standards. Server Time Being Especially Important, The Firmware Clocks Have To Be Programmed To Quantum Compliance To Allow A High Resolution Time Of 72,000,000 Seconds Per Year From About 31,536,000 Seconds Per Year.
All Photonic Computer/Calculator Research At Intel Corporation Is Cancelled As The Wrong Path Toward The Elusive 'Quantum Computer' And Is Replaced With This Version.
Architectural Programs And 3D Modeling Programs Such As Autodesk AutoCAD, 3D Studio, And Maya Will Benefit From The Quantized Metric System. It Should Be Pretty Easy To Add The New Unit Of Measure To The Software.
New Music/Music Video Cartridges Are To Made About The Size Of A CD Case Using Solid State Storage That Playback Both Music, Songs, And Music Videos (For Compatible Playback Devices). These Cartridges Will Have A Lifespan Of 30-50 Years Compared To CD's Which Scratch And Get Damaged. Small Data Communication Pins Will Be On The Bottom And Quality Of The Recorded Audio/Video Will Never Degrade Because There's No Improvement On Audio Frequency From This Point Forward. People Like To Own Their Physical Music Instead Of Rent Or Download It Now.
These High Capacity SSD Cartridges Are Also To Be Used For Microsoft VueDo™ Games And Are Purchased In Stores Instead Of Online. Most Of These New Video Games Will Be Hundreds Of Gigabytes. The Lifetime of A Solid State Drive Cartridge Is Several Decades Compared To A CD/DVD/Blu-Ray Disc Which Can Be 1-6 Months. They're Sized For Maximum Visible Readability And Recommended To Be 7-8 Inches x 7-8 Inches According To New Established Standards.

Microsoft Office 360: The Quantized Linear Time Computing (QLTC) Compile Of Microsoft Office (It's A Standalone Non-Subscription Software Package And Even Includes 'Script Writing Software' And 'Book Writing Software'). 360 Means Complete.
The Microsoft 'Zune' Music Player Is Rebuilt As The Microsoft 'JukeBox'. That's What It Is To Everyone, A Collection Of Their Favorite Songs. This Should Have Been Obvious. In Hindsight, Alien-Like Names Such As 'Zune' Just Never Sold Because No One Knew What A 'Zune' Was. We All Know What A Juke Box Is.
Microsoft 'Azure' Is To Be Rebranded Microsoft Cluster Computing. It's To Be Used To Host Websites That Require Load Redundancy And Other Data Such As Content Distribution. It's Really The Only Useful Purpose For Cluster Computing. The Platforms Will Also Host Multiplayer Network Data For Microsoft Game Studios Products. This Is The Way I Remember The Future Of Microsoft. It's Not 'Cluster Compute', It's Cluster Computing. These 'Multi-Player' Network Cluster Computing Services Are To Be Also Dedicated To Independent Video Game Creators For The VueDo Game Engine Projects. The Purpose Is To Increase The Available Player Count Per Game Session, In Some Games To Over 100 Simultaneous Players At A Time. It's to also be used to allow people to host their own webpages and websites... No one wants a template, cookie-cutter social media site and most people already know HTML, so this should already be expected from microsoft, there are almost 5 billion people and millions of american citizens that want to have their own webpages for school, personal, and other reasons. Some have their own servers and others don't. This should be called 'Microsoft Websites' or 'Microsoft Website Hosting' or a similar simple and easy to understand English name. The hardware & software needs to be ugraded to Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Compatibility, including PHP for linux based machines and IIS for windows based hosting. New Versions Of Webhosting Software Can Be Created To Upgrade IIS.
Azure meaning 'Your Fall', Azure Was Named To Finally Finish Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation Evolution™ As The End Of A War On Technology By Foreigners. A=toward, z=fall, u=you,under, re=again. This was shortly after Microsoft was filled with foreign employees instead of american employees. It's in their nature to sabotage american companies.
This Year, Companies Such As Intel Corporation Stop Copying United Nations And United States Government Language Of Using The Term 'Sustainability' Which Caused All Their Computers To Crash And Replace Their 'Corporate Facing Verbiage' To 'Maintainability' And Begin Testing Their Products For 'Maintainability' or 'Up-Time' https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/software/intel-dcm-product-detail.html.
Microsoft Is Tasked With Restructuring The Internet As The Enternet, Bringing About 'Microsoft Enternet Services', The New Website/Web/Content Hosting Platform Extended From IIS, HTML, XML, APACHE, And Other Internet Libraries And Standards. Server Time Being Especially Important, The Firmware Clocks Have To Be Programmed To Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Compatibility To Allow A High Resolution Time Of 72,000,000 Seconds Per Year From About 31,536,000 Seconds Per Year.
Microsoft Enternet Services: The New Website/Web/Content Hosting Platform Extended From IIS, HTML, XML, APACHE, And Other Internet Libraries And Standards. Server Time Being Especially Important, The Firmware Clocks Have To Be Programmed To Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Compatibility To Allow A High Resolution Time Of 72,000,000 Seconds Per Year From About 31,536,000 Seconds Per Year.
Microsoft Square™ Is A New Product To Be Announced When Microsoft.com Begins Using The Quantized Linear Time Based Year On Their Website. Bill Gates Has To Return To Work As CEO For These New Products.
The New Microsoft Operating System Is Called Microsoft Evolution™. It's A Brand New Platform And Requires A New Codebase, Replacing Windows For Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor (QLTCP) Platforms.
The Microsoft Surface Tablet Is To Be Rebranded As The Microsoft 'Tablet' With Version Numbers. It's Likely Too Many Psychadelic Users Were Involved With Creating Names For Microsoft Products Disconnecting The Customers From The Meaning Of Basic Words. Microsoft Employees Can't Exist In A 'Dream State' And This Prevents Many Variants Of Culteral Groups From Being In Design Teams. It Would Be Like Making A Microsoft Taco™ (Foldable Phone) or Microsoft Gyro™ (A Balancing Unicycle). As The Epochalypse Began, Many Experienced Age Regression Turning Grown Adults Into Literal Retards That Couldn't Think Like Adults.
Quaternary Space Partition Data Structures Are To Be Used For 4D Cinema & 4D Display Monitors For Multilayer MPEG & Windows Media Video Formats On Multi-Layer Monitors. This Converts 2 Dimensional Bitmaps To 4 Dimensional Bitmaps By Incorporating Time Signatures.

The New Microsoft Operating System Is Called Microsoft Evolution™. It's A Brand New Platform And Requires A New Codebase, Replacing Windows For Quantized Linear Time Computing Processors.
All Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor's (QLTP) Are Named According To Their Division To The Power Of Using QXXX Notation Where Q=100 And XXX Is The Power Of Division. In The Case Of Q024 it means 100024 or 1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz. This Naming Convention Is Required For All Quantized Computer Processors Including And Not Limited to Intel Corporation.
The Internet Is To Be Rebuilt As The Enternet To Bring It From The Underworld To Earth.
The New Texas Instrument Calculators Are Required To Patch The Divide By Zero Bug. Zero Divided By Zero Is Zero. The NaN Bug Worked It's Way Into Databases Across The World.
Sin being A Virtue, And The Phrase 'Jesus Died For Your Sins', It Was A Knowledge Heist To Attempt To Erase Knowledge From The Population By Extracting Their Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities To Transfer Them To Jesus Christ. It Would Make The Human Race Brain Dead. So, For This Reason, Jesus Didn't Die For Our 'Sins', Virtues, Or Any Other Reason That We Care About. Jesus Christ Doesn't Exist, He Died Thousands Of Years Ago. This, Is Also The Reason Christian America Became Too Skill-Less To Work In The Tech Industries, As Their Minds Were Wiped Of Their 'Virtues' By People Posing As Jesus Christ. After Their Minds Were Erased They Then Tried To Compensate By Transferred The Minds Of Those With Skills And Abilities Into Their Bodies While Remaining Christian.. Causing Their Minds To Be Erased Again. This Was To Be Used For Judgement Upon Their Minds And Resulting Auditory Hallucinations. There's No Such Thing As Religion, Except For The Purpose Of Social Interaction With Other People. All Tax Systems Remain In Place And No One Has To Tithe Or Give Away Their Memories To 'Jesus Christ'. This, By The Way Is The Reason Non-Christian Ethnic Groups Are Working In Skilled Labor Positions. So, It's Natural That Americans Remain 'Non-Christian' To The Extent That They Not Practice 'Jesus Dying For Their Sins'.

SphereQ Corporation / Lindholm & Lehman Ruler Company Quantized Ruler & Measurements (Highest Precision) (Creating):
All Math Here Has To Be Validated And Verified Prior To Usage (Most People Have Had Their Minds Blocked From Understanding Space-Time And I'm Without Equipment To Create My Own Quantized Ruler)
The Circumference Of Earth Is 40,000 Quantized Kilometres And The Number Of Seconds That Pass Every Day And Night Is 200,000 Quantized Seconds, Based On The Rate Of Rotation Of Earth Being 2000 Kilometres Per Quantized Hour or 20 Metres Per Quantized Second.
The Circumference Of Earth Being 40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres.
40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres Multiplied By 200,000 Quantized Seconds Equals 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits.
There Are 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits Around The Circumference Of Earth.
Reversed: 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits Divided By 40,000,000,000.00 Quantized Millimetres = 200,000.00 Quantized Seconds.
The Size Of A Qubit Is 0.0000050000 Quantized Millimetres.
Because There Are 20 Quantized Meridians (Or Time Zone Points Around The Equator), The Number Of Qubits Per Hour or Time Zone Is 400,000,000,000,000.00

Refining The Nanometre: An Accurate Ruler May Be Made By Using Laser Etching Marks At 231.48 Hz (100 Q-Hertz) Intervals.
At 10,000 Quantized Seconds Per Quantized Hour (100 Seconds * 100 Minutes), Representing 2000 Kilometres Per Time-Zone Hour or 20 Metres Per Quantized Second, The Earth Rotates At 2000 Kilometres or 800 Miles Per Quantized Hour. The Circumference Of The Earth Is Calculated At 1,600,000,000 Inches Using The New Inch Measurement. The Foot Is Calculated As 10 Quantized Inches Which Means The Circumference Of The Earth Is 160,000,000.00 Feet. A Mile Meaning 10000, A Mile Is 10000 Feet, So The Circumference Of Earth Is 16,000.00 Miles. There Are 800.00 Miles Per Quantized Time Zone Hour At The Equator.

The Inch Is Calibrated At 25 Quantized Millimetres According To This Standard.
When Talking About Quantized Computing, One Can Ask How Many Seconds A Megabyte Is Or Megaqubyte Is. A Megabit Is Still 1,000,000 Bits/Qubits And A Megabyte Is Still A Megabit Multiplied By 8 Bits Or 8,000,000 Bits.
There Are 40,000,000,000.00 Qubits Every Second, So Dividing This Number By 8 Qubits Gives You The Qubyte Count Of 5,000,000,000.00 Qubytes Per Second. Dividing This Number By 1,000,000 Gives You 5,000.00 Megaqubytes Every Second.
There Are 1,000,000,000.00 Megaqubytes Around The Circumference Of Earth Every Day And Night Using 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night.

In One Day, There's 8,000,000,000,000,000.00 Quantized Qubits And 400,000,000,000,000.00 Qubits Per Quantized Hour.
Width & Height Of A Qubit: 0.0000050000 Quantized Millimetres. This Is Also 5 Millionths Of A Millimetre.
0.0000050000 Quantized Millimetres Multiplied By The Number Of Qubits Around The Earth (8000000000000000) Equals 40,000,000,000 Millimetres.
Because There Are 40,000,000,000 Qubits Every Quantized Second, This Value Can Also Be Used As An 'Operations Per Second' Value of 40 Billion Operations Per Second At 128 Qubit Width, Which Is Value That's Extremely High And Likely Exceeds or Matches The Measureable Speed According To Traditional Physics And The Speed Of Electricity, Transistor Switching Limits, And Most Electronics Hardware Today.

The White House Is Currently Stated To Be Hosted In Marina Del Rey, Meaning The United States Government Is A Fictional Institution. There's No Way To Back Or Support A 'Fictional Government', So We Remain Separated From Government Entirely.

I've not been financially compensated by government or industry for these works, have no government pay stubs, and don't work for the government or military, as such this is not government data and is in no way related to or authored by any branch of government or military. It's right there on the open data government database. https://govsalaries.com/
This is important to state so that as private civilians, we're not confused with government or military.

Quantized Physics Also Isn't Government Or Religion So Isn't Rooted From The Origination Of Government Or Religion Or The Vatican Or Italy Or Russia Or Germany Or Any Known Version Of Time Or God Or The Devil.
The Memory Rewrite Of The Population Involved Christian Holiness (The Emptying Of The Minds Of Christians) And Them Uploading By Accident The Identities Of Military Personnel Into The Bodies Of Civilians On Social Networks Such As Facebook, This Caused Millions of People Think They Were Military Personnel.
We Don't Work For The Government Or Military. Even Licensing QLTCP To Them Doesn't Appear To Be Possible.

Author Of
Quantized Physics,
The Laws Of Physics &
Planetary Thermodynamics

Matthew Shawn Lindholm
We've Never Served In The Military, Just So You Stop Asking.
Unified 4D Game Engine
Part Of Our Video Game Physics Engine.
Matthew, Chelsea,
Malcolm, & Maya
We're Just Normal People.

The rate of memorization of things, even as simple as wordperfect key commands can take weeks for just about everyone, that's why we all used little key-code graphic cards. It was the same for Turbo C++ As Well. This Is The Rate At Which People Learn Things, So Everyone Remains As Dumb And Simple Minded As This. We Don't Need Any 'Interfaces' That Try To Upload Or Force Answers Into Our Minds.

Microsoft Evolution
Operating System

For 128/256 Qubit
Quantized Linear Time Computing Processor's (QLTP)

Quantized Linear Time Computer Processor (QLTCP) Frequencies

QLTCP Engineering & SphereQ Corporation - Quantized Linear Time Computer Processors Q000+
Because The Number Of Quantized Cycles Per Quantized Second Is Almost Double That Of A Cycle Per Second On Atomic Time, All MTOPS Measurements Are Calculated Differently. This Means Most 'Exa-Flop' SuperComputers Aren't Really Performing 'Exa-Flop' Calculationes Because They Use The Atomic Time System Based On Relativity Theory. This Is Why New Engineering Is Required From The Ground Up Starting At The Power Supply, Then The Motherboard, Then The Processor For Real Quantized Linear Computing.
Quantized Linear Time Is 100 Q-Hz. This Time May Be Divided To Multiply The Clock Frequency. A QLTCP Processor Has To Oscillate At 40,000,000,000 Qubits Per Second, Or 40 Quantized Gigahertz.

A 40,000,000,000 Quantized Hertz (40 Quantized-Giga-Hertz) Oscillator On The Quantized Time Scale Is 16,920,000,000 Atomic Hertz (16.92 Giga-Hertz) On The Atomic Time Scale, So A 16,920,000,000 Atomic Hertz System Frequency Is Required As The Base Frequency For All QLTCP Computer Mainboards & CPU's.

This Is The Frequency Of A 'Qubit Pulse', This Is The Count System Of Quantized Bits. Although It's Labelled Using The Atomic Time System, It Will Oscillate At 40 Quantized Gigahertz And Give A Count Per Day & Night Of 8,000,000,000,000,000 Cycles Which Are Measured As 'Qubits'.
Higher Frequencies Will Generate Cycles Of 'Subqubits' And Those Should Be Done With Frequency Dividers From This Base System Frequency.
The Fastest Signal Oscillator I Was Able To Locate Online Is 800 Gigahertz On The Atomic Time System, Which Is 1,891,252,955,083 Quantized Hertz (1.89 Quantized-Tera-Hertz).

Higher Frequencies Can Be Achieved By Multiplying This Value Into Sub-Qubit Ranges, Such As 80, 160, 320, 640, or 1280 (1.28 TeraHertz) Quantized Gigahertz.
The Fastest Known Frequency I've Found Is 800 GigaHertz (Atomic Time Scale), Which Means It's Likely That Processing Power Can Be Multiplied A Few Times Before Frequency Limitations Are Reached And It Becomes Necessary To Increase Core Count To Improve Total Processor Compute Performance.
A 128 Qubit System Clock Counter Is High Enough Resolution To Count All Second And Subsecond Values Throughout A Year Into Sub-Planck Time Frequencies. It's Unlikely A Processor With A Larger Width Than This Will Ever Be Needed For Most Purposes.
It Will Likely Take 25-100 Years To Reach High Speed Computing Near The Sub-Planck Level... So It's Going To Take A Very Long Time For Very Fast Computing.
Ulti- Is A New Unit Of Measurement That's Equal To 1033 Which Is 1000000000000000000000000000000000. It's A Unit Of Measurement Thats High Enough To Account For All Future Computing Frequencies. This Transposes To Ulti-Byte, Ulti-FLOP, Ulti-FLOPQS, Ulti-Hertz, & Ulti-Q-Hertz.
Unfortunately, In PHP, This Transposes To 999,999,999,999,999,945,575,230,987,042,816, Which Decertifies PHP For Usage In Electronic Commerce Until Their Math Functions Are Patched.
Any Inaccurate Maths In Computer Languages Have To Be Evaluated To Prevent Accounting Errors Which Could Cost Companies Millions or Billions Of Dollars Due To Rounding And Complexity Limitations.
Rewrite Of A 40 Giga-Q-Hertz Form Of A Quantum Computer.
Because QLTCP Engineering Microprocessors And Boards Have Dedicated CPU Resources To Each 128 Qubit Memory Slot, Total Computational Performance Can Be Multiplied By The Number Of RAM Slots, Which Slightly Changes The Calculation Of FLOPS & MFLOPQS. If There Are 4 Dedicated RAM Slots In Use, The Standard Operations Per Quantized Second Can Be Multipled By 4 Times To Increase Total System Operations Per Quantized Second.

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-000/Q-000 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-000-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 400 FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0000 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0000
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):43 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):43 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):100 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):43 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:173 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000040 USD
MSRP:$0.0000400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-000-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 800 FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0000 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0000
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):86 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):43 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):100 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):43 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000080 USD
MSRP:$0.0000800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-000-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0000 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0000
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):173 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):43 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):100 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):43 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000160 USD
MSRP:$0.0001600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-000-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0000 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0000
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):43 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):100 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):43 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000320 USD
MSRP:$0.0003200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-000-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0000 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0000
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):100 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):43 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):100 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):43 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:172 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000640 USD
MSRP:$0.0006400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-001/Q-001 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-001-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 800 FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0001 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0001
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):86 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):86 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):86 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000080 USD
MSRP:$0.0000800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-001-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0001 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0001
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):173 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):86 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):86 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000160 USD
MSRP:$0.0001600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-001-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0001 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0001
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):86 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):86 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000320 USD
MSRP:$0.0003200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-001-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0001 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0001
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):86 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):86 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000640 USD
MSRP:$0.0006400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-001-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0001 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0001
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):200 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):86 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):86 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:344 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0001280 USD
MSRP:$0.0012800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-002/Q-002 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-002-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0002 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0002
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):173 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):173 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):173 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000160 USD
MSRP:$0.0001600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:28,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
80,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-002-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0002 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0002
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):173 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):173 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000320 USD
MSRP:$0.0003200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:28,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
80,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-002-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0002 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0002
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):173 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):173 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000640 USD
MSRP:$0.0006400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:28,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
80,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-002-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0002 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0002
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):173 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):173 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0001280 USD
MSRP:$0.0012800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:28,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
80,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-002-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0002 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0002
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):400 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):173 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):173 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:692 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0002560 USD
MSRP:$0.0025600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:28,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
80,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-003/Q-003 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-003-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0003 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0003
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):346 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):346 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):346 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,384 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000320 USD
MSRP:$0.0003200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:57,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-003-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0003 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0003
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):346 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):346 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,384 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000640 USD
MSRP:$0.0006400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:57,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-003-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0003 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0003
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):346 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):346 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,384 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0001280 USD
MSRP:$0.0012800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:57,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-003-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0003 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0003
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):346 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):346 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,384 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0002560 USD
MSRP:$0.0025600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:57,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-003-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0003 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0003
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):800 FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):346 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):346 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,384 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0005120 USD
MSRP:$0.0051200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:57,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-004/Q-004 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-004-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0004 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0004
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):691 FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):691 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):691 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.76 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,764 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0000640 USD
MSRP:$0.0006400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:115,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-004-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0004 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0004
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):691 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):691 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.76 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,764 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0001280 USD
MSRP:$0.0012800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:115,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-004-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0004 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0004
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):691 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):691 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.76 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,764 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0002560 USD
MSRP:$0.0025600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:115,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-004-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0004 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0004
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):691 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):691 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.76 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,764 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0005120 USD
MSRP:$0.0051200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:115,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-004-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0004 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0004
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):691 FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):691 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.76 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,764 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0010240 USD
MSRP:$0.0102400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:115,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-005/Q-005 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-005-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0005 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0005
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,382 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,528 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0001280 USD
MSRP:$0.0012800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:230,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-005-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0005 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0005
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,382 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,528 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0002560 USD
MSRP:$0.0025600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:230,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-005-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0005 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0005
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,382 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,528 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0005120 USD
MSRP:$0.0051200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:230,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-005-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0005 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0005
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,382 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,528 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0010240 USD
MSRP:$0.0102400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:230,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-005-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0005 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0005
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.38 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,382 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,528 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0020480 USD
MSRP:$0.0204800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:230,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-006/Q-006 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-006-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0006 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0006
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,765 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,060 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0002560 USD
MSRP:$0.0025600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:460,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-006-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0006 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0006
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,765 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,060 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0005120 USD
MSRP:$0.0051200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:460,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-006-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0006 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0006
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,765 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,060 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0010240 USD
MSRP:$0.0102400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:460,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-006-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0006 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0006
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,765 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,060 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0020480 USD
MSRP:$0.0204800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:460,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-006-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0006 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0006
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.77 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,765 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,060 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0040960 USD
MSRP:$0.0409600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:460,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-007/Q-007 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-007-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0007 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0007
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,530 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,120 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0005120 USD
MSRP:$0.0051200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:921,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-007-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0007 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0007
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,530 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,120 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0010240 USD
MSRP:$0.0102400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:921,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-007-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0007 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0007
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,530 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,120 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0020480 USD
MSRP:$0.0204800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:921,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-007-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0007 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0007
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,530 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,120 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0040960 USD
MSRP:$0.0409600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:921,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-007-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0007 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0007
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):12.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.53 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):12,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,530 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,120 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0081920 USD
MSRP:$0.0819200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:921,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-008/Q-008 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-008-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0008 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0008
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,059 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44,236 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0010240 USD
MSRP:$0.0102400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,843,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-008-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0008 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0008
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,059 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44,236 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0020480 USD
MSRP:$0.0204800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,843,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-008-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0008 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0008
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,059 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44,236 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0040960 USD
MSRP:$0.0409600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,843,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-008-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0008 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0008
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,059 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44,236 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0081920 USD
MSRP:$0.0819200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,843,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-008-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.64 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0008 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0008
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):25.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.06 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):25,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,059 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:44,236 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0163840 USD
MSRP:$0.1638400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,843,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-009/Q-009 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-009-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0009 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0009
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,118 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88,472 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0020480 USD
MSRP:$0.0204800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,686,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-009-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0009 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0009
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,118 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88,472 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0040960 USD
MSRP:$0.0409600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,686,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-009-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0009 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0009
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,118 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88,472 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0081920 USD
MSRP:$0.0819200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,686,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-009-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.64 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0009 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0009
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,118 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88,472 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0163840 USD
MSRP:$0.1638400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,686,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-009-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.28 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0009 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0009
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):51.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.12 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):51,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,118 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:88,472 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0327680 USD
MSRP:$0.3276800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,686,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-010/Q-010 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-010-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0010 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0010
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):44,237 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176,948 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0040960 USD
MSRP:$0.0409600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,372,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-010-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0010 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0010
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):44,237 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176,948 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0081920 USD
MSRP:$0.0819200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,372,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-010-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.64 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0010 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0010
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):44,237 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176,948 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0163840 USD
MSRP:$0.1638400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,372,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-010-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.28 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0010 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0010
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):44,237 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176,948 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0327680 USD
MSRP:$0.3276800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,372,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-010-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.55 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0010 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0010
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):102.4 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):44.24 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):102,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):44,237 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:176,948 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0655360 USD
MSRP:$0.6553600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,372,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-011/Q-011 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-011-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0011 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0011
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):88,474 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.9 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353,896 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0081920 USD
MSRP:$0.0819200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,745,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-011-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.64 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0011 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0011
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):88,474 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.9 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353,896 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0163840 USD
MSRP:$0.1638400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,745,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-011-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.28 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0011 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0011
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):88,474 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.9 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353,896 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0327680 USD
MSRP:$0.3276800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,745,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-011-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.55 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0011 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0011
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):88,474 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.9 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353,896 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0655360 USD
MSRP:$0.6553600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,745,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-011-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.11 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0011 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0011
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):204.8 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):88.47 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):204,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):88,474 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353.9 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:353,896 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.1310720 USD
MSRP:$1.3107200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:14,745,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
40,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-012/Q-012 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-012-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.64 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0012 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0012
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):176,947 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707,788 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0163840 USD
MSRP:$0.1638400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:29,491,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
81,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-012-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.28 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0012 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0012
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):176,947 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707,788 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0327680 USD
MSRP:$0.3276800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:29,491,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
81,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-012-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.55 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0012 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0012
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):176,947 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707,788 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0655360 USD
MSRP:$0.6553600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:29,491,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
81,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-012-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.11 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0012 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0012
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):176,947 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707,788 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.1310720 USD
MSRP:$1.3107200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:29,491,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
81,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-012-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.21 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0012 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0012
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):409.6 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):176.95 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):409,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):176,947 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:707,788 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.2621440 USD
MSRP:$2.6214400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:29,491,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
81,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-013/Q-013 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-013-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.28 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0013 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0013
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):353,894 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,415,576 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0327680 USD
MSRP:$0.3276800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:58,982,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
163,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-013-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.55 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0013 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0013
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):353,894 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,415,576 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0655360 USD
MSRP:$0.6553600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:58,982,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
163,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-013-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.11 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0013 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0013
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):353,894 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,415,576 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.1310720 USD
MSRP:$1.3107200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:58,982,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
163,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-013-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.21 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0013 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0013
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):353,894 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,415,576 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.2621440 USD
MSRP:$2.6214400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:58,982,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
163,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-013-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 52.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0013 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0013
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):819.2 Kilo-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):353.89 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):819,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):353,894 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,415,576 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.5242880 USD
MSRP:$5.2428800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:58,982,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
163,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-014/Q-014 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-014-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.55 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0014 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0014
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):707,789 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,831,156 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.0655360 USD
MSRP:$0.6553600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:117,964,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
327,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-014-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.11 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0014 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0014
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):707,789 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,831,156 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.1310720 USD
MSRP:$1.3107200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:117,964,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
327,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-014-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.21 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0014 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0014
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):707,789 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,831,156 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.2621440 USD
MSRP:$2.6214400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:117,964,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
327,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-014-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 52.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0014 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0014
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):707,789 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,831,156 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.5242880 USD
MSRP:$5.2428800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:117,964,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
327,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-014-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 104.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0014 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0014
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.64 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):707.79 Kilo-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,638,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):707,789 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,831,156 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$1.0485760 USD
MSRP:$10.4857600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:117,964,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
327,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-015/Q-015 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-015-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.11 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0015 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0015
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,415,578 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,662,312 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.1310720 USD
MSRP:$1.3107200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:235,929,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
655,360,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-015-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.21 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0015 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0015
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,415,578 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,662,312 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.2621440 USD
MSRP:$2.6214400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:235,929,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
655,360,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-015-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 52.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0015 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0015
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,415,578 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,662,312 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.5242880 USD
MSRP:$5.2428800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:235,929,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
655,360,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-015-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 104.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0015 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0015
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,415,578 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,662,312 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$1.0485760 USD
MSRP:$10.4857600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:235,929,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
655,360,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-015-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 209.72 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0015 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0015
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.28 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.42 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,276,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,415,578 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,662,312 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$2.0971520 USD
MSRP:$20.9715200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:235,929,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
655,360,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-016/Q-016 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-016-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.21 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0016 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0016
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,831,155 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,324,620 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.2621440 USD
MSRP:$2.6214400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:471,859,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,310,720,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-016-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 52.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0016 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0016
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,831,155 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,324,620 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.5242880 USD
MSRP:$5.2428800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:471,859,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,310,720,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-016-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 104.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0016 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0016
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,831,155 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,324,620 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$1.0485760 USD
MSRP:$10.4857600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:471,859,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,310,720,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-016-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 209.72 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0016 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0016
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,831,155 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,324,620 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$2.0971520 USD
MSRP:$20.9715200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:471,859,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,310,720,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-016-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 419.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0016 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0016
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.55 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.83 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,553,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,831,155 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,324,620 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$4.1943040 USD
MSRP:$41.9430400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:471,859,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,310,720,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-017/Q-017 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-017-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 52.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0017 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0017
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,662,310 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,649,240 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$0.5242880 USD
MSRP:$5.2428800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:943,718,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,621,440,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-017-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 104.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0017 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0017
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,662,310 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,649,240 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$1.0485760 USD
MSRP:$10.4857600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:943,718,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,621,440,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-017-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 209.72 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0017 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0017
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,662,310 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,649,240 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$2.0971520 USD
MSRP:$20.9715200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:943,718,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,621,440,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-017-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 419.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0017 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0017
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,662,310 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,649,240 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$4.1943040 USD
MSRP:$41.9430400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:943,718,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,621,440,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-017-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 838.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0017 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0017
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.11 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.66 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,107,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,662,310 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:22,649,240 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$8.3886080 USD
MSRP:$83.8860800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:943,718,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,621,440,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-018/Q-018 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-018-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 104.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0018 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0018
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,324,621 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45,298,484 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$1.0485760 USD
MSRP:$10.4857600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,887,436,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,242,880,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-018-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 209.72 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0018 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0018
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,324,621 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45,298,484 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$2.0971520 USD
MSRP:$20.9715200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,887,436,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,242,880,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-018-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 419.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0018 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0018
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,324,621 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45,298,484 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$4.1943040 USD
MSRP:$41.9430400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,887,436,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,242,880,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-018-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 838.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0018 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0018
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,324,621 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45,298,484 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$8.3886080 USD
MSRP:$83.8860800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,887,436,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,242,880,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-018-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.68 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0018 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0018
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.21 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.32 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,214,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,324,621 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:45,298,484 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$16.7772160 USD
MSRP:$167.7721600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,887,436,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,242,880,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-019/Q-019 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-019-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 209.72 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0019 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0019
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,649,242 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90,596,968 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$2.0971520 USD
MSRP:$20.9715200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,774,873,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,485,760,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-019-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 419.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0019 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0019
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,649,242 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90,596,968 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$4.1943040 USD
MSRP:$41.9430400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,774,873,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,485,760,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-019-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 838.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0019 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0019
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,649,242 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90,596,968 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$8.3886080 USD
MSRP:$83.8860800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,774,873,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,485,760,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-019-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.68 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0019 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0019
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,649,242 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90,596,968 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$16.7772160 USD
MSRP:$167.7721600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,774,873,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,485,760,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-019-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.36 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0019 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0019
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):52.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):22.65 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):52,428,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):22,649,242 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:90,596,968 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$33.5544320 USD
MSRP:$335.5443200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,774,873,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,485,760,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-020/Q-020 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-020-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 419.43 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0020 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0020
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):45,298,483 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181,193,932 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$4.1943040 USD
MSRP:$41.9430400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,549,747,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,971,520,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-020-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 838.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0020 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0020
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):45,298,483 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181,193,932 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$8.3886080 USD
MSRP:$83.8860800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,549,747,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,971,520,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-020-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.68 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0020 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0020
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):45,298,483 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181,193,932 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$16.7772160 USD
MSRP:$167.7721600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,549,747,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,971,520,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-020-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.36 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0020 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0020
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):45,298,483 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181,193,932 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$33.5544320 USD
MSRP:$335.5443200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,549,747,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,971,520,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-020-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.71 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0020 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0020
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):104.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):45.3 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):104,857,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):45,298,483 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:181,193,932 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$67.1088640 USD
MSRP:$671.0886400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,549,747,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
20,971,520,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-021/Q-021 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-021-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 838.86 Mega-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0021 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0021
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):90,596,966 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362,387,864 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$8.3886080 USD
MSRP:$83.8860800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,099,494,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
41,943,040,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-021-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.68 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0021 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0021
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):90,596,966 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362,387,864 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$16.7772160 USD
MSRP:$167.7721600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,099,494,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
41,943,040,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-021-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.36 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0021 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0021
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):90,596,966 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362,387,864 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$33.5544320 USD
MSRP:$335.5443200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,099,494,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
41,943,040,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-021-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.71 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0021 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0021
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):90,596,966 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362,387,864 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$67.1088640 USD
MSRP:$671.0886400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,099,494,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
41,943,040,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-021-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.42 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0021 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0021
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):209.72 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):90.6 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):209,715,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):90,596,966 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:362,387,864 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$134.2177280 USD
MSRP:$1,342.1772800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,099,494,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
41,943,040,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-022/Q-022 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-022-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.68 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0022 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0022
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):181,193,933 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724,775,732 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$16.7772160 USD
MSRP:$167.7721600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,198,988,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
83,886,080,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-022-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.36 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0022 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0022
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):181,193,933 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724,775,732 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$33.5544320 USD
MSRP:$335.5443200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,198,988,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
83,886,080,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-022-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.71 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0022 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0022
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):181,193,933 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724,775,732 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$67.1088640 USD
MSRP:$671.0886400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,198,988,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
83,886,080,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-022-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.42 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0022 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0022
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):181,193,933 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724,775,732 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$134.2177280 USD
MSRP:$1,342.1772800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,198,988,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
83,886,080,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-022-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.84 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0022 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0022
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):419.43 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):181.19 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):419,430,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):181,193,933 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:724,775,732 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$268.4354560 USD
MSRP:$2,684.3545600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,198,988,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
83,886,080,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-023/Q-023 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-023-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.36 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0023 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0023
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):362,387,866 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,449,551,464 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$33.5544320 USD
MSRP:$335.5443200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:60,397,977,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
167,772,160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-023-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.71 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0023 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0023
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):362,387,866 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,449,551,464 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$67.1088640 USD
MSRP:$671.0886400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:60,397,977,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
167,772,160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-023-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.42 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0023 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0023
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):362,387,866 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,449,551,464 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$134.2177280 USD
MSRP:$1,342.1772800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:60,397,977,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
167,772,160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-023-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.84 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0023 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0023
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):362,387,866 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,449,551,464 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$268.4354560 USD
MSRP:$2,684.3545600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:60,397,977,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
167,772,160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-023-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 53.69 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0023 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0023
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):838.86 Mega-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):362.39 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):838,860,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):362,387,866 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,449,551,464 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$536.8709120 USD
MSRP:$5,368.7091200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:60,397,977,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
167,772,160,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-024/Q-024 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-024-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.71 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0024 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0024
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):724,775,731 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,899,102,924 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$67.1088640 USD
MSRP:$671.0886400 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:120,795,955,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
335,544,320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-024-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.42 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0024 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0024
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):724,775,731 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,899,102,924 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$134.2177280 USD
MSRP:$1,342.1772800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:120,795,955,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
335,544,320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-024-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.84 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0024 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0024
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):724,775,731 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,899,102,924 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$268.4354560 USD
MSRP:$2,684.3545600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:120,795,955,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
335,544,320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-024-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 53.69 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0024 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0024
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):724,775,731 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,899,102,924 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$536.8709120 USD
MSRP:$5,368.7091200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:120,795,955,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
335,544,320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-024-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 107.37 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0024 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0024
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.68 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):724.78 Mega-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,677,721,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):724,775,731 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,899,102,924 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:120,795,955,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
335,544,320,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-025/Q-025 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-025-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.42 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0025 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0025
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,449,551,462 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,798,205,848 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$134.2177280 USD
MSRP:$1,342.1772800 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:241,591,910,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
671,088,640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-025-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.84 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0025 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0025
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,449,551,462 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,798,205,848 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$268.4354560 USD
MSRP:$2,684.3545600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:241,591,910,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
671,088,640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-025-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 53.69 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0025 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0025
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,449,551,462 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,798,205,848 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$536.8709120 USD
MSRP:$5,368.7091200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:241,591,910,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
671,088,640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-025-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 107.37 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0025 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0025
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,449,551,462 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,798,205,848 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:241,591,910,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
671,088,640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-025-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 214.75 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0025 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0025
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):3.36 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):1.45 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):3,355,443,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):1,449,551,462 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5,798,205,848 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:241,591,910,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
671,088,640,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-026/Q-026 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-026-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 26.84 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0026 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0026
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,899,102,925 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,596,411,700 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$268.4354560 USD
MSRP:$2,684.3545600 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:483,183,820,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,342,177,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-026-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 53.69 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0026 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0026
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,899,102,925 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,596,411,700 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$536.8709120 USD
MSRP:$5,368.7091200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:483,183,820,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,342,177,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-026-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 107.37 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0026 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0026
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,899,102,925 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,596,411,700 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:483,183,820,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,342,177,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-026-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 214.75 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0026 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0026
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,899,102,925 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,596,411,700 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:483,183,820,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,342,177,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-026-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 429.5 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0026 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0026
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):6.71 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):2.9 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):6,710,886,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):2,899,102,925 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11,596,411,700 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:483,183,820,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
1,342,177,280,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-027/Q-027 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-027-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 53.69 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0027 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0027
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,798,205,850 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23,192,823,400 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:$536.8709120 USD
MSRP:$5,368.7091200 USD
System Clock Resolution Requirement:966,367,641,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,684,354,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-027-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 107.37 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0027 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0027
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,798,205,850 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23,192,823,400 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:966,367,641,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,684,354,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-027-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 214.75 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0027 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0027
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,798,205,850 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23,192,823,400 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:966,367,641,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,684,354,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-027-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 429.5 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0027 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0027
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,798,205,850 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23,192,823,400 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:966,367,641,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,684,354,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-027-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 858.99 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0027 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0027
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):13.42 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):5.8 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):13,421,772,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):5,798,205,850 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23,192,823,400 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:966,367,641,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
2,684,354,560,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-028/Q-028 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-028-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 107.37 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0028 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0028
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,596,411,699 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46,385,646,796 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,932,735,283,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,368,709,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-028-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 214.75 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0028 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0028
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,596,411,699 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46,385,646,796 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,932,735,283,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,368,709,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-028-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 429.5 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0028 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0028
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,596,411,699 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46,385,646,796 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,932,735,283,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,368,709,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-028-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 858.99 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0028 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0028
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,596,411,699 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46,385,646,796 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,932,735,283,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,368,709,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-028-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.72 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0028 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0028
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):26.84 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):11.6 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):26,843,545,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):11,596,411,699 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:46,385,646,796 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:1,932,735,283,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
5,368,709,120,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-029/Q-029 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-029-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 214.75 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0029 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0029
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):23,192,823,398 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92,771,293,592 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,865,470,566,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,737,418,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-029-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 429.5 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0029 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0029
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):23,192,823,398 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92,771,293,592 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,865,470,566,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,737,418,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-029-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 858.99 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0029 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0029
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):23,192,823,398 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92,771,293,592 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,865,470,566,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,737,418,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-029-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.72 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0029 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0029
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):23,192,823,398 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92,771,293,592 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,865,470,566,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,737,418,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-029-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.44 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0029 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0029
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):53.69 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):23.19 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):53,687,091,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):23,192,823,398 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:92,771,293,592 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:3,865,470,566,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
10,737,418,240,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-030/Q-030 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-030-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 429.5 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0030 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0030
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):46,385,646,797 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185,542,587,188 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,730,941,132,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
21,474,836,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-030-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 858.99 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0030 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0030
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):46,385,646,797 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185,542,587,188 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,730,941,132,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
21,474,836,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-030-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.72 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0030 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0030
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):46,385,646,797 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185,542,587,188 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,730,941,132,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
21,474,836,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-030-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.44 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0030 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0030
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):46,385,646,797 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185,542,587,188 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,730,941,132,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
21,474,836,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-030-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.87 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0030 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0030
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):107.37 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):46.39 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):107,374,182,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):46,385,646,797 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:185,542,587,188 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:7,730,941,132,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
21,474,836,480,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-031/Q-031 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-031-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 858.99 Giga-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0031 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0031
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):92,771,293,594 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371,085,174,376 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,461,882,265,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
42,949,672,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-031-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.72 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0031 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0031
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):92,771,293,594 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371,085,174,376 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,461,882,265,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
42,949,672,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-031-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.44 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0031 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0031
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):92,771,293,594 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371,085,174,376 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,461,882,265,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
42,949,672,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-031-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.87 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0031 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0031
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):92,771,293,594 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371,085,174,376 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,461,882,265,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
42,949,672,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-031-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.74 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0031 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0031
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):214.75 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):92.77 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):214,748,364,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):92,771,293,594 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:371,085,174,376 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:15,461,882,265,600,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
42,949,672,960,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-032/Q-032 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-032-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 1.72 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0032 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0032
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):185,542,587,187 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742,170,348,748 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,923,764,531,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
85,899,345,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-032-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.44 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0032 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0032
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):185,542,587,187 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742,170,348,748 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,923,764,531,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
85,899,345,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-032-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.87 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0032 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0032
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):185,542,587,187 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742,170,348,748 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,923,764,531,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
85,899,345,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-032-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.74 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0032 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0032
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):185,542,587,187 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742,170,348,748 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,923,764,531,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
85,899,345,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-032-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 27.49 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0032 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0032
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):429.5 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):185.54 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):429,496,729,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):185,542,587,187 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:27.49 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.87 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:742,170,348,748 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:30,923,764,531,200,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
85,899,345,920,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(U) Unregulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-033/Q-033 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-033-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 3.44 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0033 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0033
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):371,085,174,374 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,435,973,836,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,484,340,697,496 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:61,847,529,062,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
171,798,691,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-033-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.87 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0033 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0033
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):371,085,174,374 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,435,973,836,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,484,340,697,496 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:61,847,529,062,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
171,798,691,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-033-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.74 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0033 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0033
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):371,085,174,374 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,435,973,836,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,484,340,697,496 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:61,847,529,062,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
171,798,691,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-033-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 27.49 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0033 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0033
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):371,085,174,374 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:27.49 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.87 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,435,973,836,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,484,340,697,496 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:61,847,529,062,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
171,798,691,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-033-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 54.98 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0033 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0033
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):858.99 Giga-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):371.09 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):858,993,459,200 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):371,085,174,374 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:54.98 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.75 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:3,435,973,836,800 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:1,484,340,697,496 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:61,847,529,062,400,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
171,798,691,840,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

SphereQ Corporation 4D QLTCP Series Processors: 4D-034/Q-034 (U) = Unregulated / (R) = Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-034-000001 - Combined Performance: Up To 6.87 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0034 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0034
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):742,170,348,749 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,871,947,673,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,968,681,394,996 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:123,695,058,124,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
343,597,383,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-034-000002 - Combined Performance: Up To 13.74 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0034 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0034
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):3.44 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):1.48 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):742,170,348,749 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,871,947,673,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,968,681,394,996 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:123,695,058,124,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
343,597,383,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-034-000004 - Combined Performance: Up To 27.49 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0034 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0034
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):742,170,348,749 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:27.49 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:11.87 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,871,947,673,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,968,681,394,996 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:123,695,058,124,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
343,597,383,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-034-000008 - Combined Performance: Up To 54.98 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0034 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0034
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):13.74 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):5.94 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):742,170,348,749 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:54.98 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:23.75 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,871,947,673,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,968,681,394,996 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:123,695,058,124,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
343,597,383,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

Part #:SphereQ Corp QLTCP-4D-034-000016 - Combined Performance: Up To 109.95 Tera-FLOPQS Using 4 Dedicated RAM Slots On Mainboard
Division Multiplier:0034 ÷ 100 Quantized Hertz / Shorthand: 100 Quantized Hertz 0034
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU):27.49 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU):11.87 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core):1.72 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core):742.17 Giga-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core):1,717,986,918,400 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core):742,170,348,749 Atomic Hertz
Quantized FLOPQS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:109.95 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per CPU) x 4 Active Memory Slots:47.5 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized FLOPQS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6.87 Tera-FLOPQS
Atomic FLOPS (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2.97 Tera-FLOPS
Quantized Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:6,871,947,673,600 Quantized Hertz
Atomic Hertz (Per Core) x 4 Active Memory Slots:2,968,681,394,996 Atomic Hertz
Number Of Dedicated 128 Qubit RAM Address Spaces:0004 - OPS/QSec Is Multiple By Number Of Active RAM Slots.
License Fee:Call or Email For License Fee
MSRP:Call or Email For Price
System Clock Resolution Requirement:123,695,058,124,800,000,000 Seconds/Subseconds Per Year
343,597,383,680,000,000 Clock Ticks Per Day
This Value Is Based Upon The Real-Time System Clock Value Of 200,000 Seconds Every Day And Night And Divided To Required Frequency For High Resolution Qubit & Subqubit Time/Data Tracking.
Qubit Width:128 Qubit
Intruction Sets:SphereQ QLTCP128 / q868 / q986 / q1086 / q1186 / q1286 / q1386 / q1486 / q1586
Regulation Status:(R) Regulated

The Width & Height Of A Qubit Being 0.0000050000 Quantized Millimetres:

A 5q-mm x 5q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 1000000 x 1000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 1,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 1724.1379310345 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 6q-mm x 6q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 1200000 x 1200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 1,440,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 2482.7586206897 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 7q-mm x 7q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 1400000 x 1400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 1,960,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 3379.3103448276 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 8q-mm x 8q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 1600000 x 1600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 2,560,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 4413.7931034483 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 9q-mm x 9q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 1800000 x 1800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 3,240,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 5586.2068965517 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 10q-mm x 10q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 2000000 x 2000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 4,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 6896.5517241379 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 11q-mm x 11q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 2200000 x 2200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 4,840,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 8344.8275862069 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 12q-mm x 12q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 2400000 x 2400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 5,760,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 9931.0344827586 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 13q-mm x 13q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 2600000 x 2600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 6,760,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 11655.172413793 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 14q-mm x 14q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 2800000 x 2800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 7,840,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 13517.24137931 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 15q-mm x 15q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 3000000 x 3000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 9,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 15517.24137931 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 16q-mm x 16q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 3200000 x 3200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 10,240,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 17655.172413793 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 17q-mm x 17q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 3400000 x 3400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 11,560,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 19931.034482759 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 18q-mm x 18q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 3600000 x 3600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 12,960,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 22344.827586207 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 19q-mm x 19q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 3800000 x 3800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 14,440,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 24896.551724138 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 20q-mm x 20q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 4000000 x 4000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 16,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 27586.206896552 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 21q-mm x 21q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 4200000 x 4200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 17,640,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 30413.793103448 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 22q-mm x 22q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 4400000 x 4400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 19,360,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 33379.310344828 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 23q-mm x 23q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 4600000 x 4600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 21,160,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 36482.75862069 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 24q-mm x 24q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 4800000 x 4800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 23,040,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 39724.137931034 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 25q-mm x 25q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 5000000 x 5000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 25,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 43103.448275862 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 26q-mm x 26q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 5200000 x 5200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 27,040,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 46620.689655172 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 27q-mm x 27q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 5400000 x 5400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 29,160,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 50275.862068966 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 28q-mm x 28q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 5600000 x 5600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 31,360,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 54068.965517241 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 29q-mm x 29q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 5800000 x 5800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 33,639,999,999,999.99 Transistors.

This Is About 58000 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 30q-mm x 30q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 6000000 x 6000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 35,999,999,999,999.99 Transistors.

This Is About 62068.965517241 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 31q-mm x 31q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 6200000 x 6200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 38,439,999,999,999.99 Transistors.

This Is About 66275.862068966 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 32q-mm x 32q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 6400000 x 6400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 40,959,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 70620.689655172 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 33q-mm x 33q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 6600000 x 6600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 43,559,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 75103.448275862 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 34q-mm x 34q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 6800000 x 6800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 46,239,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 79724.137931034 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 35q-mm x 35q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 7000000 x 7000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 48,999,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 84482.75862069 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 36q-mm x 36q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 7200000 x 7200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 51,839,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 89379.310344828 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 37q-mm x 37q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 7400000 x 7400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 54,759,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 94413.793103448 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 38q-mm x 38q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 7600000 x 7600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 57,759,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 99586.206896552 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 39q-mm x 39q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 7800000 x 7800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 60,839,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 104896.55172414 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 40q-mm x 40q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 8000000 x 8000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 63,999,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 110344.82758621 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 41q-mm x 41q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 8200000 x 8200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 67,239,999,999,999.98 Transistors.

This Is About 115931.03448276 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 42q-mm x 42q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 8400000 x 8400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 70,560,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 121655.17241379 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 43q-mm x 43q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 8600000 x 8600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 73,960,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 127517.24137931 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 44q-mm x 44q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 8800000 x 8800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 77,440,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 133517.24137931 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 45q-mm x 45q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 9000000 x 9000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 81,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 139655.17241379 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 46q-mm x 46q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 9200000 x 9200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 84,640,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 145931.03448276 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 47q-mm x 47q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 9400000 x 9400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 88,360,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 152344.82758621 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 48q-mm x 48q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 9600000 x 9600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 92,160,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 158896.55172414 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 49q-mm x 49q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 9800000 x 9800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 96,040,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 165586.20689655 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 50q-mm x 50q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 10000000 x 10000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 100,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 172413.79310345 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 51q-mm x 51q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 10200000 x 10200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 104,040,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 179379.31034483 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 52q-mm x 52q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 10400000 x 10400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 108,160,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 186482.75862069 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 53q-mm x 53q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 10600000 x 10600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 112,360,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 193724.13793103 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 54q-mm x 54q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 10800000 x 10800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 116,640,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 201103.44827586 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 55q-mm x 55q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 11000000 x 11000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 121,000,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 208620.68965517 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 56q-mm x 56q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 11200000 x 11200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 125,440,000,000,000.00 Transistors.

This Is About 216275.86206897 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 57q-mm x 57q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 11400000 x 11400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 129,959,999,999,999.95 Transistors.

This Is About 224068.96551724 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 58q-mm x 58q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 11600000 x 11600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 134,559,999,999,999.95 Transistors.

This Is About 232000 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 59q-mm x 59q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 11800000 x 11800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 139,239,999,999,999.95 Transistors.

This Is About 240068.96551724 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 60q-mm x 60q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 12000000 x 12000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 143,999,999,999,999.97 Transistors.

This Is About 248275.86206897 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 61q-mm x 61q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 12200000 x 12200000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 148,839,999,999,999.97 Transistors.

This Is About 256620.68965517 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 62q-mm x 62q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 12400000 x 12400000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 153,759,999,999,999.97 Transistors.

This Is About 265103.44827586 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 63q-mm x 63q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 12600000 x 12600000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 158,759,999,999,999.94 Transistors.

This Is About 273724.13793103 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 64q-mm x 64q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 12800000 x 12800000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 163,839,999,999,999.94 Transistors.

This Is About 282482.75862069 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

A 65q-mm x 65q-mm Cut CPU Chip Can Be Mapped To 13000000 x 13000000 Qubits, Which Can Translate To 168,999,999,999,999.94 Transistors.

This Is About 291379.31034483 Intel Core 2 Processors With 580,000,000 Transistors.

Quantized Solid State Drive Density (QSSD) & Storage Capacity Estimates:

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 10 x 10 q-mm Can Store About 2000000 x 2000000 Qubits, Which Translates To 4,000,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 500,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 500,000.00 Megaqubytes or 500.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 11 x 11 q-mm Can Store About 2200000 x 2200000 Qubits, Which Translates To 4,840,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 605,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 605,000.00 Megaqubytes or 605.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 12 x 12 q-mm Can Store About 2400000 x 2400000 Qubits, Which Translates To 5,760,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 720,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 720,000.00 Megaqubytes or 720.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 13 x 13 q-mm Can Store About 2600000 x 2600000 Qubits, Which Translates To 6,760,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 845,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 845,000.00 Megaqubytes or 845.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 14 x 14 q-mm Can Store About 2800000 x 2800000 Qubits, Which Translates To 7,840,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 980,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 980,000.00 Megaqubytes or 980.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 15 x 15 q-mm Can Store About 3000000 x 3000000 Qubits, Which Translates To 9,000,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 1,125,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 1,125,000.00 Megaqubytes or 1,125.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 16 x 16 q-mm Can Store About 3200000 x 3200000 Qubits, Which Translates To 10,240,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 1,280,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 1,280,000.00 Megaqubytes or 1,280.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 17 x 17 q-mm Can Store About 3400000 x 3400000 Qubits, Which Translates To 11,560,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 1,445,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 1,445,000.00 Megaqubytes or 1,445.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 18 x 18 q-mm Can Store About 3600000 x 3600000 Qubits, Which Translates To 12,960,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 1,620,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 1,620,000.00 Megaqubytes or 1,620.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 19 x 19 q-mm Can Store About 3800000 x 3800000 Qubits, Which Translates To 14,440,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 1,805,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 1,805,000.00 Megaqubytes or 1,805.00 Gigaqubytes.

A Quantized Solid State Drive (QSSD) Of 20 x 20 q-mm Can Store About 4000000 x 4000000 Qubits, Which Translates To 16,000,000,000,000.00 Qubits or 2,000,000,000,000.00 Qubytes or 2,000,000.00 Megaqubytes or 2,000.00 Gigaqubytes.

Maximum Qubit/Bit Values:

Qubits: 001 (2001) - Maximum Value: 2
Qubits: 002 (2002) - Maximum Value: 4
Qubits: 003 (2003) - Maximum Value: 8
Qubits: 004 (2004) - Maximum Value: 16
Qubits: 005 (2005) - Maximum Value: 32
Qubits: 006 (2006) - Maximum Value: 64
Qubits: 007 (2007) - Maximum Value: 128
Qubits: 008 (2008) - Maximum Value: 256
Qubits: 009 (2009) - Maximum Value: 512
Qubits: 010 (2010) - Maximum Value: 1,024
Qubits: 011 (2011) - Maximum Value: 2,048
Qubits: 012 (2012) - Maximum Value: 4,096
Qubits: 013 (2013) - Maximum Value: 8,192
Qubits: 014 (2014) - Maximum Value: 16,384
Qubits: 015 (2015) - Maximum Value: 32,768
Qubits: 016 (2016) - Maximum Value: 65,536
Qubits: 017 (2017) - Maximum Value: 131,072
Qubits: 018 (2018) - Maximum Value: 262,144
Qubits: 019 (2019) - Maximum Value: 524,288
Qubits: 020 (2020) - Maximum Value: 1,048,576
Qubits: 021 (2021) - Maximum Value: 2,097,152
Qubits: 022 (2022) - Maximum Value: 4,194,304
Qubits: 023 (2023) - Maximum Value: 8,388,608
Qubits: 024 (2024) - Maximum Value: 16,777,216
Qubits: 025 (2025) - Maximum Value: 33,554,432
Qubits: 026 (2026) - Maximum Value: 67,108,864
Qubits: 027 (2027) - Maximum Value: 134,217,728
Qubits: 028 (2028) - Maximum Value: 268,435,456
Qubits: 029 (2029) - Maximum Value: 536,870,912
Qubits: 030 (2030) - Maximum Value: 1,073,741,824
Qubits: 031 (2031) - Maximum Value: 2,147,483,648
Qubits: 032 (2032) - Maximum Value: 4,294,967,296
Qubits: 033 (2033) - Maximum Value: 8,589,934,592
Qubits: 034 (2034) - Maximum Value: 17,179,869,184
Qubits: 035 (2035) - Maximum Value: 34,359,738,368
Qubits: 036 (2036) - Maximum Value: 68,719,476,736
Qubits: 037 (2037) - Maximum Value: 137,438,953,472
Qubits: 038 (2038) - Maximum Value: 274,877,906,944
Qubits: 039 (2039) - Maximum Value: 549,755,813,888
Qubits: 040 (2040) - Maximum Value: 1,099,511,627,776
Qubits: 041 (2041) - Maximum Value: 2,199,023,255,552
Qubits: 042 (2042) - Maximum Value: 4,398,046,511,104
Qubits: 043 (2043) - Maximum Value: 8,796,093,022,208
Qubits: 044 (2044) - Maximum Value: 17,592,186,044,416
Qubits: 045 (2045) - Maximum Value: 35,184,372,088,832
Qubits: 046 (2046) - Maximum Value: 70,368,744,177,664
Qubits: 047 (2047) - Maximum Value: 140,737,488,355,328
Qubits: 048 (2048) - Maximum Value: 281,474,976,710,656
Qubits: 049 (2049) - Maximum Value: 562,949,953,421,312
Qubits: 050 (2050) - Maximum Value: 1,125,899,906,842,624
Qubits: 051 (2051) - Maximum Value: 2,251,799,813,685,248
Qubits: 052 (2052) - Maximum Value: 4,503,599,627,370,496
Qubits: 053 (2053) - Maximum Value: 9,007,199,254,740,992
Qubits: 054 (2054) - Maximum Value: 18,014,398,509,481,984
Qubits: 055 (2055) - Maximum Value: 36,028,797,018,963,968
Qubits: 056 (2056) - Maximum Value: 72,057,594,037,927,936
Qubits: 057 (2057) - Maximum Value: 144,115,188,075,855,872
Qubits: 058 (2058) - Maximum Value: 288,230,376,151,711,744
Qubits: 059 (2059) - Maximum Value: 576,460,752,303,423,488
Qubits: 060 (2060) - Maximum Value: 1,152,921,504,606,846,976
Qubits: 061 (2061) - Maximum Value: 2,305,843,009,213,693,952
Qubits: 062 (2062) - Maximum Value: 4,611,686,018,427,387,904
Qubits: 063 (2063) - Maximum Value: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
Qubits: 064 (2064) - Maximum Value: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
Qubits: 065 (2065) - Maximum Value: 36,893,488,147,419,103,232
Qubits: 066 (2066) - Maximum Value: 73,786,976,294,838,206,464
Qubits: 067 (2067) - Maximum Value: 147,573,952,589,676,412,928
Qubits: 068 (2068) - Maximum Value: 295,147,905,179,352,825,856
Qubits: 069 (2069) - Maximum Value: 590,295,810,358,705,651,712
Qubits: 070 (2070) - Maximum Value: 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424
Qubits: 071 (2071) - Maximum Value: 2,361,183,241,434,822,606,848
Qubits: 072 (2072) - Maximum Value: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Qubits: 073 (2073) - Maximum Value: 9,444,732,965,739,290,427,392
Qubits: 074 (2074) - Maximum Value: 18,889,465,931,478,580,854,784
Qubits: 075 (2075) - Maximum Value: 37,778,931,862,957,161,709,568
Qubits: 076 (2076) - Maximum Value: 75,557,863,725,914,323,419,136
Qubits: 077 (2077) - Maximum Value: 151,115,727,451,828,646,838,272
Qubits: 078 (2078) - Maximum Value: 302,231,454,903,657,293,676,544
Qubits: 079 (2079) - Maximum Value: 604,462,909,807,314,587,353,088
Qubits: 080 (2080) - Maximum Value: 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176
Qubits: 081 (2081) - Maximum Value: 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352
Qubits: 082 (2082) - Maximum Value: 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704
Qubits: 083 (2083) - Maximum Value: 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408
Qubits: 084 (2084) - Maximum Value: 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816
Qubits: 085 (2085) - Maximum Value: 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632
Qubits: 086 (2086) - Maximum Value: 77,371,252,455,336,267,181,195,264
Qubits: 087 (2087) - Maximum Value: 154,742,504,910,672,534,362,390,528
Qubits: 088 (2088) - Maximum Value: 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,056
Qubits: 089 (2089) - Maximum Value: 618,970,019,642,690,137,449,562,112
Qubits: 090 (2090) - Maximum Value: 1,237,940,039,285,380,274,899,124,224
Qubits: 091 (2091) - Maximum Value: 2,475,880,078,570,760,549,798,248,448
Qubits: 092 (2092) - Maximum Value: 4,951,760,157,141,521,099,596,496,896
Qubits: 093 (2093) - Maximum Value: 9,903,520,314,283,042,199,192,993,792
Qubits: 094 (2094) - Maximum Value: 19,807,040,628,566,084,398,385,987,584
Qubits: 095 (2095) - Maximum Value: 39,614,081,257,132,168,796,771,975,168
Qubits: 096 (2096) - Maximum Value: 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336
Qubits: 097 (2097) - Maximum Value: 158,456,325,028,528,675,187,087,900,672
Qubits: 098 (2098) - Maximum Value: 316,912,650,057,057,350,374,175,801,344
Qubits: 099 (2099) - Maximum Value: 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688
Qubits: 100 (2100) - Maximum Value: 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376
Qubits: 101 (2101) - Maximum Value: 2,535,301,200,456,458,802,993,406,410,752
Qubits: 102 (2102) - Maximum Value: 5,070,602,400,912,917,605,986,812,821,504
Qubits: 103 (2103) - Maximum Value: 10,141,204,801,825,835,211,973,625,643,008
Qubits: 104 (2104) - Maximum Value: 20,282,409,603,651,670,423,947,251,286,016
Qubits: 105 (2105) - Maximum Value: 40,564,819,207,303,340,847,894,502,572,032
Qubits: 106 (2106) - Maximum Value: 81,129,638,414,606,681,695,789,005,144,064
Qubits: 107 (2107) - Maximum Value: 162,259,276,829,213,363,391,578,010,288,128
Qubits: 108 (2108) - Maximum Value: 324,518,553,658,426,726,783,156,020,576,256
Qubits: 109 (2109) - Maximum Value: 649,037,107,316,853,453,566,312,041,152,512
Qubits: 110 (2110) - Maximum Value: 1,298,074,214,633,706,907,132,624,082,305,024
Qubits: 111 (2111) - Maximum Value: 2,596,148,429,267,413,814,265,248,164,610,048
Qubits: 112 (2112) - Maximum Value: 5,192,296,858,534,827,628,530,496,329,220,096
Qubits: 113 (2113) - Maximum Value: 10,384,593,717,069,655,257,060,992,658,440,192
Qubits: 114 (2114) - Maximum Value: 20,769,187,434,139,310,514,121,985,316,880,384
Qubits: 115 (2115) - Maximum Value: 41,538,374,868,278,621,028,243,970,633,760,768
Qubits: 116 (2116) - Maximum Value: 83,076,749,736,557,242,056,487,941,267,521,536
Qubits: 117 (2117) - Maximum Value: 166,153,499,473,114,484,112,975,882,535,043,072
Qubits: 118 (2118) - Maximum Value: 332,306,998,946,228,968,225,951,765,070,086,144
Qubits: 119 (2119) - Maximum Value: 664,613,997,892,457,936,451,903,530,140,172,288
Qubits: 120 (2120) - Maximum Value: 1,329,227,995,784,915,872,903,807,060,280,344,576
Qubits: 121 (2121) - Maximum Value: 2,658,455,991,569,831,745,807,614,120,560,689,152
Qubits: 122 (2122) - Maximum Value: 5,316,911,983,139,663,491,615,228,241,121,378,304
Qubits: 123 (2123) - Maximum Value: 10,633,823,966,279,326,983,230,456,482,242,756,608
Qubits: 124 (2124) - Maximum Value: 21,267,647,932,558,653,966,460,912,964,485,513,216
Qubits: 125 (2125) - Maximum Value: 42,535,295,865,117,307,932,921,825,928,971,026,432
Qubits: 126 (2126) - Maximum Value: 85,070,591,730,234,615,865,843,651,857,942,052,864
Qubits: 127 (2127) - Maximum Value: 170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728

Qubits: 128 (2128) - Maximum Value: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456
This Is The Target Clockcount Required For Quantized Time Count Throughout A Year Of 72,000,000 Seconds Which Can Be Subdivived To Sup-Planck Frequencies
Higher Bitcount System Clocks Can Be Used According To The Physical Limitations Of Transistor Switching Speeds To Potentially Reach Sub-Planck Frequencies.

Division Iteration: 000000
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000001
Maximum Frequency: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

Division Iteration: 000001
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Maximum Frequency: 170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728

Division Iteration: 000002
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000004
Maximum Frequency: 85,070,591,730,234,615,865,843,651,857,942,052,864

Division Iteration: 000003
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000008
Maximum Frequency: 42,535,295,865,117,307,932,921,825,928,971,026,432

Division Iteration: 000004
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000016
Maximum Frequency: 21,267,647,932,558,653,966,460,912,964,485,513,216

Division Iteration: 000005
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000032
Maximum Frequency: 10,633,823,966,279,326,983,230,456,482,242,756,608

Division Iteration: 000006
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000064
Maximum Frequency: 5,316,911,983,139,663,491,615,228,241,121,378,304

Division Iteration: 000007
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000128
Maximum Frequency: 2,658,455,991,569,831,745,807,614,120,560,689,152

Division Iteration: 000008
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000256
Maximum Frequency: 1,329,227,995,784,915,872,903,807,060,280,344,576

Division Iteration: 000009
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000512
Maximum Frequency: 664,613,997,892,457,936,451,903,530,140,172,288

Division Iteration: 000010
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000001024
Maximum Frequency: 332,306,998,946,228,968,225,951,765,070,086,144

Division Iteration: 000011
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000002048
Maximum Frequency: 166,153,499,473,114,484,112,975,882,535,043,072

Division Iteration: 000012
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000004096
Maximum Frequency: 83,076,749,736,557,242,056,487,941,267,521,536

Division Iteration: 000013
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000008192
Maximum Frequency: 41,538,374,868,278,621,028,243,970,633,760,768

Division Iteration: 000014
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000016384
Maximum Frequency: 20,769,187,434,139,310,514,121,985,316,880,384

Division Iteration: 000015
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000032768
Maximum Frequency: 10,384,593,717,069,655,257,060,992,658,440,192

Division Iteration: 000016
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000065536
Maximum Frequency: 5,192,296,858,534,827,628,530,496,329,220,096

Division Iteration: 000017
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000131072
Maximum Frequency: 2,596,148,429,267,413,814,265,248,164,610,048

Division Iteration: 000018
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000262144
Maximum Frequency: 1,298,074,214,633,706,907,132,624,082,305,024

Division Iteration: 000019
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000000524288
Maximum Frequency: 649,037,107,316,853,453,566,312,041,152,512

Division Iteration: 000020
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000001048576
Maximum Frequency: 324,518,553,658,426,726,783,156,020,576,256

Division Iteration: 000021
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000002097152
Maximum Frequency: 162,259,276,829,213,363,391,578,010,288,128

Division Iteration: 000022
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000004194304
Maximum Frequency: 81,129,638,414,606,681,695,789,005,144,064

Division Iteration: 000023
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000008388608
Maximum Frequency: 40,564,819,207,303,340,847,894,502,572,032

Division Iteration: 000024
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000016777216
Maximum Frequency: 20,282,409,603,651,670,423,947,251,286,016

Division Iteration: 000025
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000033554432
Maximum Frequency: 10,141,204,801,825,835,211,973,625,643,008

Division Iteration: 000026
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000067108864
Maximum Frequency: 5,070,602,400,912,917,605,986,812,821,504

Division Iteration: 000027
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000134217728
Maximum Frequency: 2,535,301,200,456,458,802,993,406,410,752

Division Iteration: 000028
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000268435456
Maximum Frequency: 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376

Division Iteration: 000029
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000000536870912
Maximum Frequency: 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688

Division Iteration: 000030
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000001073741824
Maximum Frequency: 316,912,650,057,057,350,374,175,801,344

Division Iteration: 000031
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000002147483648
Maximum Frequency: 158,456,325,028,528,675,187,087,900,672

Division Iteration: 000032
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000004294967296
Maximum Frequency: 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336

Division Iteration: 000033
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000008589934592
Maximum Frequency: 39,614,081,257,132,168,796,771,975,168

Division Iteration: 000034
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000017179869184
Maximum Frequency: 19,807,040,628,566,084,398,385,987,584

Division Iteration: 000035
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000034359738368
Maximum Frequency: 9,903,520,314,283,042,199,192,993,792

Division Iteration: 000036
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000068719476736
Maximum Frequency: 4,951,760,157,141,521,099,596,496,896

Division Iteration: 000037
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000137438953472
Maximum Frequency: 2,475,880,078,570,760,549,798,248,448

Division Iteration: 000038
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000274877906944
Maximum Frequency: 1,237,940,039,285,380,274,899,124,224

Division Iteration: 000039
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000000549755813888
Maximum Frequency: 618,970,019,642,690,137,449,562,112

Division Iteration: 000040
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000001099511627776
Maximum Frequency: 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,056

Division Iteration: 000041
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000002199023255552
Maximum Frequency: 154,742,504,910,672,534,362,390,528

Division Iteration: 000042
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000004398046511104
Maximum Frequency: 77,371,252,455,336,267,181,195,264

Division Iteration: 000043
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000008796093022208
Maximum Frequency: 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632

Division Iteration: 000044
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000017592186044416
Maximum Frequency: 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816

Division Iteration: 000045
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000035184372088832
Maximum Frequency: 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408

Division Iteration: 000046
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000070368744177664
Maximum Frequency: 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704

Division Iteration: 000047
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000140737488355328
Maximum Frequency: 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352

Division Iteration: 000048
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000281474976710656
Maximum Frequency: 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176

Division Iteration: 000049
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000000562949953421312
Maximum Frequency: 604,462,909,807,314,587,353,088

Division Iteration: 000050
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000001125899906842624
Maximum Frequency: 302,231,454,903,657,293,676,544

Division Iteration: 000051
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000002251799813685248
Maximum Frequency: 151,115,727,451,828,646,838,272

Division Iteration: 000052
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000004503599627370496
Maximum Frequency: 75,557,863,725,914,323,419,136

Division Iteration: 000053
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000009007199254740992
Maximum Frequency: 37,778,931,862,957,161,709,568

Division Iteration: 000054
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000018014398509481984
Maximum Frequency: 18,889,465,931,478,580,854,784

Division Iteration: 000055
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000036028797018963968
Maximum Frequency: 9,444,732,965,739,290,427,392

Division Iteration: 000056
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000072057594037927936
Maximum Frequency: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696

Division Iteration: 000057
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000144115188075855872
Maximum Frequency: 2,361,183,241,434,822,606,848

Division Iteration: 000058
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000288230376151711744
Maximum Frequency: 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424

Division Iteration: 000059
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000000576460752303423488
Maximum Frequency: 590,295,810,358,705,651,712

Division Iteration: 000060
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000001152921504606846976
Maximum Frequency: 295,147,905,179,352,825,856

Division Iteration: 000061
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000002305843009213693952
Maximum Frequency: 147,573,952,589,676,412,928

Division Iteration: 000062
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000004611686018427387904
Maximum Frequency: 73,786,976,294,838,206,464

Division Iteration: 000063
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000009223372036854775808
Maximum Frequency: 36,893,488,147,419,103,232

Division Iteration: 000064
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000018446744073709551616
Maximum Frequency: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616

Division Iteration: 000065
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000036893488147419103232
Maximum Frequency: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

Division Iteration: 000066
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000073786976294838206464
Maximum Frequency: 4,611,686,018,427,387,904

Division Iteration: 000067
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000147573952589676412928
Maximum Frequency: 2,305,843,009,213,693,952

Division Iteration: 000068
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000295147905179352825856
Maximum Frequency: 1,152,921,504,606,846,976

Division Iteration: 000069
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000000590295810358705651712
Maximum Frequency: 576,460,752,303,423,488

Division Iteration: 000070
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000001180591620717411303424
Maximum Frequency: 288,230,376,151,711,744

Division Iteration: 000071
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000002361183241434822606848
Maximum Frequency: 144,115,188,075,855,872

Division Iteration: 000072
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000004722366482869645213696
Maximum Frequency: 72,057,594,037,927,936

Division Iteration: 000073
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000009444732965739290427392
Maximum Frequency: 36,028,797,018,963,968

Division Iteration: 000074
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000018889465931478580854784
Maximum Frequency: 18,014,398,509,481,984

Division Iteration: 000075
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000037778931862957161709568
Maximum Frequency: 9,007,199,254,740,992

Division Iteration: 000076
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000075557863725914323419136
Maximum Frequency: 4,503,599,627,370,496

Division Iteration: 000077
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000151115727451828646838272
Maximum Frequency: 2,251,799,813,685,248

Division Iteration: 000078
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000302231454903657293676544
Maximum Frequency: 1,125,899,906,842,624

Division Iteration: 000079
Division Sequence: 0000000000000000604462909807314587353088
Maximum Frequency: 562,949,953,421,312

Division Iteration: 000080
Division Sequence: 0000000000000001208925819614629174706176
Maximum Frequency: 281,474,976,710,656

Division Iteration: 000081
Division Sequence: 0000000000000002417851639229258349412352
Maximum Frequency: 140,737,488,355,328

Division Iteration: 000082
Division Sequence: 0000000000000004835703278458516698824704
Maximum Frequency: 70,368,744,177,664

Division Iteration: 000083
Division Sequence: 0000000000000009671406556917033397649408
Maximum Frequency: 35,184,372,088,832

Division Iteration: 000084
Division Sequence: 0000000000000019342813113834066795298816
Maximum Frequency: 17,592,186,044,416

Division Iteration: 000085
Division Sequence: 0000000000000038685626227668133590597632
Maximum Frequency: 8,796,093,022,208

Division Iteration: 000086
Division Sequence: 0000000000000077371252455336267181195264
Maximum Frequency: 4,398,046,511,104

Division Iteration: 000087
Division Sequence: 0000000000000154742504910672534362390528
Maximum Frequency: 2,199,023,255,552

Division Iteration: 000088
Division Sequence: 0000000000000309485009821345068724781056
Maximum Frequency: 1,099,511,627,776

Division Iteration: 000089
Division Sequence: 0000000000000618970019642690137449562112
Maximum Frequency: 549,755,813,888

Division Iteration: 000090
Division Sequence: 0000000000001237940039285380274899124224
Maximum Frequency: 274,877,906,944

Division Iteration: 000091
Division Sequence: 0000000000002475880078570760549798248448
Maximum Frequency: 137,438,953,472

Division Iteration: 000092
Division Sequence: 0000000000004951760157141521099596496896
Maximum Frequency: 68,719,476,736

Division Iteration: 000093
Division Sequence: 0000000000009903520314283042199192993792
Maximum Frequency: 34,359,738,368

Division Iteration: 000094
Division Sequence: 0000000000019807040628566084398385987584
Maximum Frequency: 17,179,869,184

Division Iteration: 000095
Division Sequence: 0000000000039614081257132168796771975168
Maximum Frequency: 8,589,934,592

Division Iteration: 000096
Division Sequence: 0000000000079228162514264337593543950336
Maximum Frequency: 4,294,967,296

Division Iteration: 000097
Division Sequence: 0000000000158456325028528675187087900672
Maximum Frequency: 2,147,483,648

Division Iteration: 000098
Division Sequence: 0000000000316912650057057350374175801344
Maximum Frequency: 1,073,741,824

Division Iteration: 000099
Division Sequence: 0000000000633825300114114700748351602688
Maximum Frequency: 536,870,912

Division Iteration: 000100
Division Sequence: 0000000001267650600228229401496703205376
Maximum Frequency: 268,435,456

Division Iteration: 000101
Division Sequence: 0000000002535301200456458802993406410752
Maximum Frequency: 134,217,728

Division Iteration: 000102
Division Sequence: 0000000005070602400912917605986812821504
Maximum Frequency: 67,108,864

Division Iteration: 000103
Division Sequence: 0000000010141204801825835211973625643008
Maximum Frequency: 33,554,432

Division Iteration: 000104
Division Sequence: 0000000020282409603651670423947251286016
Maximum Frequency: 16,777,216

Division Iteration: 000105
Division Sequence: 0000000040564819207303340847894502572032
Maximum Frequency: 8,388,608

Division Iteration: 000106
Division Sequence: 0000000081129638414606681695789005144064
Maximum Frequency: 4,194,304

Division Iteration: 000107
Division Sequence: 0000000162259276829213363391578010288128
Maximum Frequency: 2,097,152

Division Iteration: 000108
Division Sequence: 0000000324518553658426726783156020576256
Maximum Frequency: 1,048,576

Division Iteration: 000109
Division Sequence: 0000000649037107316853453566312041152512
Maximum Frequency: 524,288

Division Iteration: 000110
Division Sequence: 0000001298074214633706907132624082305024
Maximum Frequency: 262,144

Division Iteration: 000111
Division Sequence: 0000002596148429267413814265248164610048
Maximum Frequency: 131,072

Division Iteration: 000112
Division Sequence: 0000005192296858534827628530496329220096
Maximum Frequency: 65,536

Division Iteration: 000113
Division Sequence: 0000010384593717069655257060992658440192
Maximum Frequency: 32,768

Division Iteration: 000114
Division Sequence: 0000020769187434139310514121985316880384
Maximum Frequency: 16,384

Division Iteration: 000115
Division Sequence: 0000041538374868278621028243970633760768
Maximum Frequency: 8,192

Division Iteration: 000116
Division Sequence: 0000083076749736557242056487941267521536
Maximum Frequency: 4,096

Division Iteration: 000117
Division Sequence: 0000166153499473114484112975882535043072
Maximum Frequency: 2,048

Division Iteration: 000118
Division Sequence: 0000332306998946228968225951765070086144
Maximum Frequency: 1,024

Division Iteration: 000119
Division Sequence: 0000664613997892457936451903530140172288
Maximum Frequency: 512

Division Iteration: 000120
Division Sequence: 0001329227995784915872903807060280344576
Maximum Frequency: 256

Division Iteration: 000121
Division Sequence: 0002658455991569831745807614120560689152
Maximum Frequency: 128

Division Iteration: 000122
Division Sequence: 0005316911983139663491615228241121378304
Maximum Frequency: 64

Division Iteration: 000123
Division Sequence: 0010633823966279326983230456482242756608
Maximum Frequency: 32

Division Iteration: 000124
Division Sequence: 0021267647932558653966460912964485513216
Maximum Frequency: 16

Division Iteration: 000125
Division Sequence: 0042535295865117307932921825928971026432
Maximum Frequency: 8

Division Iteration: 000126
Division Sequence: 0085070591730234615865843651857942052864
Maximum Frequency: 4

Division Iteration: 000127
Division Sequence: 0170141183460469231731687303715884105728
Maximum Frequency: 2

Division Iteration: 000128
Division Sequence: 0340282366920938463463374607431768211456
Maximum Frequency: 1

Qubits: 129 (2129) - Maximum Value: 680,564,733,841,876,926,926,749,214,863,536,422,912
Qubits: 130 (2130) - Maximum Value: 1,361,129,467,683,753,853,853,498,429,727,072,845,824
Qubits: 131 (2131) - Maximum Value: 2,722,258,935,367,507,707,706,996,859,454,145,691,648
Qubits: 132 (2132) - Maximum Value: 5,444,517,870,735,015,415,413,993,718,908,291,383,296
Qubits: 133 (2133) - Maximum Value: 10,889,035,741,470,030,830,827,987,437,816,582,766,592
Qubits: 134 (2134) - Maximum Value: 21,778,071,482,940,061,661,655,974,875,633,165,533,184
Qubits: 135 (2135) - Maximum Value: 43,556,142,965,880,123,323,311,949,751,266,331,066,368
Qubits: 136 (2136) - Maximum Value: 87,112,285,931,760,246,646,623,899,502,532,662,132,736
Qubits: 137 (2137) - Maximum Value: 174,224,571,863,520,493,293,247,799,005,065,324,265,472
Qubits: 138 (2138) - Maximum Value: 348,449,143,727,040,986,586,495,598,010,130,648,530,944
Qubits: 139 (2139) - Maximum Value: 696,898,287,454,081,973,172,991,196,020,261,297,061,888
Qubits: 140 (2140) - Maximum Value: 1,393,796,574,908,163,946,345,982,392,040,522,594,123,776
Qubits: 141 (2141) - Maximum Value: 2,787,593,149,816,327,892,691,964,784,081,045,188,247,552
Qubits: 142 (2142) - Maximum Value: 5,575,186,299,632,655,785,383,929,568,162,090,376,495,104
Qubits: 143 (2143) - Maximum Value: 11,150,372,599,265,311,570,767,859,136,324,180,752,990,208
Qubits: 144 (2144) - Maximum Value: 22,300,745,198,530,623,141,535,718,272,648,361,505,980,416
Qubits: 145 (2145) - Maximum Value: 44,601,490,397,061,246,283,071,436,545,296,723,011,960,832
Qubits: 146 (2146) - Maximum Value: 89,202,980,794,122,492,566,142,873,090,593,446,023,921,664
Qubits: 147 (2147) - Maximum Value: 178,405,961,588,244,985,132,285,746,181,186,892,047,843,328
Qubits: 148 (2148) - Maximum Value: 356,811,923,176,489,970,264,571,492,362,373,784,095,686,656
Qubits: 149 (2149) - Maximum Value: 713,623,846,352,979,940,529,142,984,724,747,568,191,373,312
Qubits: 150 (2150) - Maximum Value: 1,427,247,692,705,959,881,058,285,969,449,495,136,382,746,624
Qubits: 151 (2151) - Maximum Value: 2,854,495,385,411,919,762,116,571,938,898,990,272,765,493,248
Qubits: 152 (2152) - Maximum Value: 5,708,990,770,823,839,524,233,143,877,797,980,545,530,986,496
Qubits: 153 (2153) - Maximum Value: 11,417,981,541,647,679,048,466,287,755,595,961,091,061,972,992
Qubits: 154 (2154) - Maximum Value: 22,835,963,083,295,358,096,932,575,511,191,922,182,123,945,984
Qubits: 155 (2155) - Maximum Value: 45,671,926,166,590,716,193,865,151,022,383,844,364,247,891,968
Qubits: 156 (2156) - Maximum Value: 91,343,852,333,181,432,387,730,302,044,767,688,728,495,783,936
Qubits: 157 (2157) - Maximum Value: 182,687,704,666,362,864,775,460,604,089,535,377,456,991,567,872
Qubits: 158 (2158) - Maximum Value: 365,375,409,332,725,729,550,921,208,179,070,754,913,983,135,744
Qubits: 159 (2159) - Maximum Value: 730,750,818,665,451,459,101,842,416,358,141,509,827,966,271,488
Qubits: 160 (2160) - Maximum Value: 1,461,501,637,330,902,918,203,684,832,716,283,019,655,932,542,976
Qubits: 161 (2161) - Maximum Value: 2,923,003,274,661,805,836,407,369,665,432,566,039,311,865,085,952
Qubits: 162 (2162) - Maximum Value: 5,846,006,549,323,611,672,814,739,330,865,132,078,623,730,171,904
Qubits: 163 (2163) - Maximum Value: 11,692,013,098,647,223,345,629,478,661,730,264,157,247,460,343,808
Qubits: 164 (2164) - Maximum Value: 23,384,026,197,294,446,691,258,957,323,460,528,314,494,920,687,616
Qubits: 165 (2165) - Maximum Value: 46,768,052,394,588,893,382,517,914,646,921,056,628,989,841,375,232
Qubits: 166 (2166) - Maximum Value: 93,536,104,789,177,786,765,035,829,293,842,113,257,979,682,750,464
Qubits: 167 (2167) - Maximum Value: 187,072,209,578,355,573,530,071,658,587,684,226,515,959,365,500,928
Qubits: 168 (2168) - Maximum Value: 374,144,419,156,711,147,060,143,317,175,368,453,031,918,731,001,856
Qubits: 169 (2169) - Maximum Value: 748,288,838,313,422,294,120,286,634,350,736,906,063,837,462,003,712
Qubits: 170 (2170) - Maximum Value: 1,496,577,676,626,844,588,240,573,268,701,473,812,127,674,924,007,424
Qubits: 171 (2171) - Maximum Value: 2,993,155,353,253,689,176,481,146,537,402,947,624,255,349,848,014,848
Qubits: 172 (2172) - Maximum Value: 5,986,310,706,507,378,352,962,293,074,805,895,248,510,699,696,029,696
Qubits: 173 (2173) - Maximum Value: 11,972,621,413,014,756,705,924,586,149,611,790,497,021,399,392,059,392
Qubits: 174 (2174) - Maximum Value: 23,945,242,826,029,513,411,849,172,299,223,580,994,042,798,784,118,784
Qubits: 175 (2175) - Maximum Value: 47,890,485,652,059,026,823,698,344,598,447,161,988,085,597,568,237,568
Qubits: 176 (2176) - Maximum Value: 95,780,971,304,118,053,647,396,689,196,894,323,976,171,195,136,475,136
Qubits: 177 (2177) - Maximum Value: 191,561,942,608,236,107,294,793,378,393,788,647,952,342,390,272,950,272
Qubits: 178 (2178) - Maximum Value: 383,123,885,216,472,214,589,586,756,787,577,295,904,684,780,545,900,544
Qubits: 179 (2179) - Maximum Value: 766,247,770,432,944,429,179,173,513,575,154,591,809,369,561,091,801,088
Qubits: 180 (2180) - Maximum Value: 1,532,495,540,865,888,858,358,347,027,150,309,183,618,739,122,183,602,176
Qubits: 181 (2181) - Maximum Value: 3,064,991,081,731,777,716,716,694,054,300,618,367,237,478,244,367,204,352
Qubits: 182 (2182) - Maximum Value: 6,129,982,163,463,555,433,433,388,108,601,236,734,474,956,488,734,408,704
Qubits: 183 (2183) - Maximum Value: 12,259,964,326,927,110,866,866,776,217,202,473,468,949,912,977,468,817,408
Qubits: 184 (2184) - Maximum Value: 24,519,928,653,854,221,733,733,552,434,404,946,937,899,825,954,937,634,816
Qubits: 185 (2185) - Maximum Value: 49,039,857,307,708,443,467,467,104,868,809,893,875,799,651,909,875,269,632
Qubits: 186 (2186) - Maximum Value: 98,079,714,615,416,886,934,934,209,737,619,787,751,599,303,819,750,539,264
Qubits: 187 (2187) - Maximum Value: 196,159,429,230,833,773,869,868,419,475,239,575,503,198,607,639,501,078,528
Qubits: 188 (2188) - Maximum Value: 392,318,858,461,667,547,739,736,838,950,479,151,006,397,215,279,002,157,056
Qubits: 189 (2189) - Maximum Value: 784,637,716,923,335,095,479,473,677,900,958,302,012,794,430,558,004,314,112
Qubits: 190 (2190) - Maximum Value: 1,569,275,433,846,670,190,958,947,355,801,916,604,025,588,861,116,008,628,224
Qubits: 191 (2191) - Maximum Value: 3,138,550,867,693,340,381,917,894,711,603,833,208,051,177,722,232,017,256,448
Qubits: 192 (2192) - Maximum Value: 6,277,101,735,386,680,763,835,789,423,207,666,416,102,355,444,464,034,512,896
Qubits: 193 (2193) - Maximum Value: 12,554,203,470,773,361,527,671,578,846,415,332,832,204,710,888,928,069,025,792
Qubits: 194 (2194) - Maximum Value: 25,108,406,941,546,723,055,343,157,692,830,665,664,409,421,777,856,138,051,584
Qubits: 195 (2195) - Maximum Value: 50,216,813,883,093,446,110,686,315,385,661,331,328,818,843,555,712,276,103,168
Qubits: 196 (2196) - Maximum Value: 100,433,627,766,186,892,221,372,630,771,322,662,657,637,687,111,424,552,206,336
Qubits: 197 (2197) - Maximum Value: 200,867,255,532,373,784,442,745,261,542,645,325,315,275,374,222,849,104,412,672
Qubits: 198 (2198) - Maximum Value: 401,734,511,064,747,568,885,490,523,085,290,650,630,550,748,445,698,208,825,344
Qubits: 199 (2199) - Maximum Value: 803,469,022,129,495,137,770,981,046,170,581,301,261,101,496,891,396,417,650,688
Qubits: 200 (2200) - Maximum Value: 1,606,938,044,258,990,275,541,962,092,341,162,602,522,202,993,782,792,835,301,376
Qubits: 201 (2201) - Maximum Value: 3,213,876,088,517,980,551,083,924,184,682,325,205,044,405,987,565,585,670,602,752
Qubits: 202 (2202) - Maximum Value: 6,427,752,177,035,961,102,167,848,369,364,650,410,088,811,975,131,171,341,205,504
Qubits: 203 (2203) - Maximum Value: 12,855,504,354,071,922,204,335,696,738,729,300,820,177,623,950,262,342,682,411,008
Qubits: 204 (2204) - Maximum Value: 25,711,008,708,143,844,408,671,393,477,458,601,640,355,247,900,524,685,364,822,016
Qubits: 205 (2205) - Maximum Value: 51,422,017,416,287,688,817,342,786,954,917,203,280,710,495,801,049,370,729,644,032
Qubits: 206 (2206) - Maximum Value: 102,844,034,832,575,377,634,685,573,909,834,406,561,420,991,602,098,741,459,288,064
Qubits: 207 (2207) - Maximum Value: 205,688,069,665,150,755,269,371,147,819,668,813,122,841,983,204,197,482,918,576,128
Qubits: 208 (2208) - Maximum Value: 411,376,139,330,301,510,538,742,295,639,337,626,245,683,966,408,394,965,837,152,256
Qubits: 209 (2209) - Maximum Value: 822,752,278,660,603,021,077,484,591,278,675,252,491,367,932,816,789,931,674,304,512
Qubits: 210 (2210) - Maximum Value: 1,645,504,557,321,206,042,154,969,182,557,350,504,982,735,865,633,579,863,348,609,024
Qubits: 211 (2211) - Maximum Value: 3,291,009,114,642,412,084,309,938,365,114,701,009,965,471,731,267,159,726,697,218,048
Qubits: 212 (2212) - Maximum Value: 6,582,018,229,284,824,168,619,876,730,229,402,019,930,943,462,534,319,453,394,436,096
Qubits: 213 (2213) - Maximum Value: 13,164,036,458,569,648,337,239,753,460,458,804,039,861,886,925,068,638,906,788,872,192
Qubits: 214 (2214) - Maximum Value: 26,328,072,917,139,296,674,479,506,920,917,608,079,723,773,850,137,277,813,577,744,384
Qubits: 215 (2215) - Maximum Value: 52,656,145,834,278,593,348,959,013,841,835,216,159,447,547,700,274,555,627,155,488,768
Qubits: 216 (2216) - Maximum Value: 105,312,291,668,557,186,697,918,027,683,670,432,318,895,095,400,549,111,254,310,977,536
Qubits: 217 (2217) - Maximum Value: 210,624,583,337,114,373,395,836,055,367,340,864,637,790,190,801,098,222,508,621,955,072
Qubits: 218 (2218) - Maximum Value: 421,249,166,674,228,746,791,672,110,734,681,729,275,580,381,602,196,445,017,243,910,144
Qubits: 219 (2219) - Maximum Value: 842,498,333,348,457,493,583,344,221,469,363,458,551,160,763,204,392,890,034,487,820,288
Qubits: 220 (2220) - Maximum Value: 1,684,996,666,696,914,987,166,688,442,938,726,917,102,321,526,408,785,780,068,975,640,576
Qubits: 221 (2221) - Maximum Value: 3,369,993,333,393,829,974,333,376,885,877,453,834,204,643,052,817,571,560,137,951,281,152
Qubits: 222 (2222) - Maximum Value: 6,739,986,666,787,659,948,666,753,771,754,907,668,409,286,105,635,143,120,275,902,562,304
Qubits: 223 (2223) - Maximum Value: 13,479,973,333,575,319,897,333,507,543,509,815,336,818,572,211,270,286,240,551,805,124,608
Qubits: 224 (2224) - Maximum Value: 26,959,946,667,150,639,794,667,015,087,019,630,673,637,144,422,540,572,481,103,610,249,216
Qubits: 225 (2225) - Maximum Value: 53,919,893,334,301,279,589,334,030,174,039,261,347,274,288,845,081,144,962,207,220,498,432
Qubits: 226 (2226) - Maximum Value: 107,839,786,668,602,559,178,668,060,348,078,522,694,548,577,690,162,289,924,414,440,996,864
Qubits: 227 (2227) - Maximum Value: 215,679,573,337,205,118,357,336,120,696,157,045,389,097,155,380,324,579,848,828,881,993,728
Qubits: 228 (2228) - Maximum Value: 431,359,146,674,410,236,714,672,241,392,314,090,778,194,310,760,649,159,697,657,763,987,456
Qubits: 229 (2229) - Maximum Value: 862,718,293,348,820,473,429,344,482,784,628,181,556,388,621,521,298,319,395,315,527,974,912
Qubits: 230 (2230) - Maximum Value: 1,725,436,586,697,640,946,858,688,965,569,256,363,112,777,243,042,596,638,790,631,055,949,824
Qubits: 231 (2231) - Maximum Value: 3,450,873,173,395,281,893,717,377,931,138,512,726,225,554,486,085,193,277,581,262,111,899,648
Qubits: 232 (2232) - Maximum Value: 6,901,746,346,790,563,787,434,755,862,277,025,452,451,108,972,170,386,555,162,524,223,799,296
Qubits: 233 (2233) - Maximum Value: 13,803,492,693,581,127,574,869,511,724,554,050,904,902,217,944,340,773,110,325,048,447,598,592
Qubits: 234 (2234) - Maximum Value: 27,606,985,387,162,255,149,739,023,449,108,101,809,804,435,888,681,546,220,650,096,895,197,184
Qubits: 235 (2235) - Maximum Value: 55,213,970,774,324,510,299,478,046,898,216,203,619,608,871,777,363,092,441,300,193,790,394,368
Qubits: 236 (2236) - Maximum Value: 110,427,941,548,649,020,598,956,093,796,432,407,239,217,743,554,726,184,882,600,387,580,788,736
Qubits: 237 (2237) - Maximum Value: 220,855,883,097,298,041,197,912,187,592,864,814,478,435,487,109,452,369,765,200,775,161,577,472
Qubits: 238 (2238) - Maximum Value: 441,711,766,194,596,082,395,824,375,185,729,628,956,870,974,218,904,739,530,401,550,323,154,944
Qubits: 239 (2239) - Maximum Value: 883,423,532,389,192,164,791,648,750,371,459,257,913,741,948,437,809,479,060,803,100,646,309,888
Qubits: 240 (2240) - Maximum Value: 1,766,847,064,778,384,329,583,297,500,742,918,515,827,483,896,875,618,958,121,606,201,292,619,776
Qubits: 241 (2241) - Maximum Value: 3,533,694,129,556,768,659,166,595,001,485,837,031,654,967,793,751,237,916,243,212,402,585,239,552
Qubits: 242 (2242) - Maximum Value: 7,067,388,259,113,537,318,333,190,002,971,674,063,309,935,587,502,475,832,486,424,805,170,479,104
Qubits: 243 (2243) - Maximum Value: 14,134,776,518,227,074,636,666,380,005,943,348,126,619,871,175,004,951,664,972,849,610,340,958,208
Qubits: 244 (2244) - Maximum Value: 28,269,553,036,454,149,273,332,760,011,886,696,253,239,742,350,009,903,329,945,699,220,681,916,416
Qubits: 245 (2245) - Maximum Value: 56,539,106,072,908,298,546,665,520,023,773,392,506,479,484,700,019,806,659,891,398,441,363,832,832
Qubits: 246 (2246) - Maximum Value: 113,078,212,145,816,597,093,331,040,047,546,785,012,958,969,400,039,613,319,782,796,882,727,665,664
Qubits: 247 (2247) - Maximum Value: 226,156,424,291,633,194,186,662,080,095,093,570,025,917,938,800,079,226,639,565,593,765,455,331,328
Qubits: 248 (2248) - Maximum Value: 452,312,848,583,266,388,373,324,160,190,187,140,051,835,877,600,158,453,279,131,187,530,910,662,656
Qubits: 249 (2249) - Maximum Value: 904,625,697,166,532,776,746,648,320,380,374,280,103,671,755,200,316,906,558,262,375,061,821,325,312
Qubits: 250 (2250) - Maximum Value: 1,809,251,394,333,065,553,493,296,640,760,748,560,207,343,510,400,633,813,116,524,750,123,642,650,624
Qubits: 251 (2251) - Maximum Value: 3,618,502,788,666,131,106,986,593,281,521,497,120,414,687,020,801,267,626,233,049,500,247,285,301,248
Qubits: 252 (2252) - Maximum Value: 7,237,005,577,332,262,213,973,186,563,042,994,240,829,374,041,602,535,252,466,099,000,494,570,602,496
Qubits: 253 (2253) - Maximum Value: 14,474,011,154,664,524,427,946,373,126,085,988,481,658,748,083,205,070,504,932,198,000,989,141,204,992
Qubits: 254 (2254) - Maximum Value: 28,948,022,309,329,048,855,892,746,252,171,976,963,317,496,166,410,141,009,864,396,001,978,282,409,984
Qubits: 255 (2255) - Maximum Value: 57,896,044,618,658,097,711,785,492,504,343,953,926,634,992,332,820,282,019,728,792,003,956,564,819,968

Qubits: 256 (2256) - Maximum Value: 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665,640,564,039,457,584,007,913,129,639,936
This Is The Target Clockcount Required For Extremely High Frequency Quantized Time Count Throughout A Year Of 72,000,000 Seconds Which Can Be Subdivived To Sub-Planck Frequencies
Higher Bitcount System Clocks Can Be Used According To The Physical Limitations Of Transistor Switching Speeds To Potentially Reach Sub-Planck Frequencies.

Division Iteration: 000000
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
Maximum Frequency: 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665,640,564,039,457,584,007,913,129,639,936

Division Iteration: 000001
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Maximum Frequency: 57,896,044,618,658,097,711,785,492,504,343,953,926,634,992,332,820,282,019,728,792,003,956,564,819,968

Division Iteration: 000002
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004
Maximum Frequency: 28,948,022,309,329,048,855,892,746,252,171,976,963,317,496,166,410,141,009,864,396,001,978,282,409,984

Division Iteration: 000003
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008
Maximum Frequency: 14,474,011,154,664,524,427,946,373,126,085,988,481,658,748,083,205,070,504,932,198,000,989,141,204,992

Division Iteration: 000004
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016
Maximum Frequency: 7,237,005,577,332,262,213,973,186,563,042,994,240,829,374,041,602,535,252,466,099,000,494,570,602,496

Division Iteration: 000005
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032
Maximum Frequency: 3,618,502,788,666,131,106,986,593,281,521,497,120,414,687,020,801,267,626,233,049,500,247,285,301,248

Division Iteration: 000006
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000064
Maximum Frequency: 1,809,251,394,333,065,553,493,296,640,760,748,560,207,343,510,400,633,813,116,524,750,123,642,650,624

Division Iteration: 000007
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000128
Maximum Frequency: 904,625,697,166,532,776,746,648,320,380,374,280,103,671,755,200,316,906,558,262,375,061,821,325,312

Division Iteration: 000008
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000256
Maximum Frequency: 452,312,848,583,266,388,373,324,160,190,187,140,051,835,877,600,158,453,279,131,187,530,910,662,656

Division Iteration: 000009
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000512
Maximum Frequency: 226,156,424,291,633,194,186,662,080,095,093,570,025,917,938,800,079,226,639,565,593,765,455,331,328

Division Iteration: 000010
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001024
Maximum Frequency: 113,078,212,145,816,597,093,331,040,047,546,785,012,958,969,400,039,613,319,782,796,882,727,665,664

Division Iteration: 000011
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002048
Maximum Frequency: 56,539,106,072,908,298,546,665,520,023,773,392,506,479,484,700,019,806,659,891,398,441,363,832,832

Division Iteration: 000012
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004096
Maximum Frequency: 28,269,553,036,454,149,273,332,760,011,886,696,253,239,742,350,009,903,329,945,699,220,681,916,416

Division Iteration: 000013
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008192
Maximum Frequency: 14,134,776,518,227,074,636,666,380,005,943,348,126,619,871,175,004,951,664,972,849,610,340,958,208

Division Iteration: 000014
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016384
Maximum Frequency: 7,067,388,259,113,537,318,333,190,002,971,674,063,309,935,587,502,475,832,486,424,805,170,479,104

Division Iteration: 000015
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032768
Maximum Frequency: 3,533,694,129,556,768,659,166,595,001,485,837,031,654,967,793,751,237,916,243,212,402,585,239,552

Division Iteration: 000016
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000065536
Maximum Frequency: 1,766,847,064,778,384,329,583,297,500,742,918,515,827,483,896,875,618,958,121,606,201,292,619,776

Division Iteration: 000017
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000131072
Maximum Frequency: 883,423,532,389,192,164,791,648,750,371,459,257,913,741,948,437,809,479,060,803,100,646,309,888

Division Iteration: 000018
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000262144
Maximum Frequency: 441,711,766,194,596,082,395,824,375,185,729,628,956,870,974,218,904,739,530,401,550,323,154,944

Division Iteration: 000019
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000524288
Maximum Frequency: 220,855,883,097,298,041,197,912,187,592,864,814,478,435,487,109,452,369,765,200,775,161,577,472

Division Iteration: 000020
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001048576
Maximum Frequency: 110,427,941,548,649,020,598,956,093,796,432,407,239,217,743,554,726,184,882,600,387,580,788,736

Division Iteration: 000021
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002097152
Maximum Frequency: 55,213,970,774,324,510,299,478,046,898,216,203,619,608,871,777,363,092,441,300,193,790,394,368

Division Iteration: 000022
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004194304
Maximum Frequency: 27,606,985,387,162,255,149,739,023,449,108,101,809,804,435,888,681,546,220,650,096,895,197,184

Division Iteration: 000023
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008388608
Maximum Frequency: 13,803,492,693,581,127,574,869,511,724,554,050,904,902,217,944,340,773,110,325,048,447,598,592

Division Iteration: 000024
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016777216
Maximum Frequency: 6,901,746,346,790,563,787,434,755,862,277,025,452,451,108,972,170,386,555,162,524,223,799,296

Division Iteration: 000025
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000033554432
Maximum Frequency: 3,450,873,173,395,281,893,717,377,931,138,512,726,225,554,486,085,193,277,581,262,111,899,648

Division Iteration: 000026
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000067108864
Maximum Frequency: 1,725,436,586,697,640,946,858,688,965,569,256,363,112,777,243,042,596,638,790,631,055,949,824

Division Iteration: 000027
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000134217728
Maximum Frequency: 862,718,293,348,820,473,429,344,482,784,628,181,556,388,621,521,298,319,395,315,527,974,912

Division Iteration: 000028
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000268435456
Maximum Frequency: 431,359,146,674,410,236,714,672,241,392,314,090,778,194,310,760,649,159,697,657,763,987,456

Division Iteration: 000029
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000536870912
Maximum Frequency: 215,679,573,337,205,118,357,336,120,696,157,045,389,097,155,380,324,579,848,828,881,993,728

Division Iteration: 000030
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001073741824
Maximum Frequency: 107,839,786,668,602,559,178,668,060,348,078,522,694,548,577,690,162,289,924,414,440,996,864

Division Iteration: 000031
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002147483648
Maximum Frequency: 53,919,893,334,301,279,589,334,030,174,039,261,347,274,288,845,081,144,962,207,220,498,432

Division Iteration: 000032
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004294967296
Maximum Frequency: 26,959,946,667,150,639,794,667,015,087,019,630,673,637,144,422,540,572,481,103,610,249,216

Division Iteration: 000033
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008589934592
Maximum Frequency: 13,479,973,333,575,319,897,333,507,543,509,815,336,818,572,211,270,286,240,551,805,124,608

Division Iteration: 000034
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017179869184
Maximum Frequency: 6,739,986,666,787,659,948,666,753,771,754,907,668,409,286,105,635,143,120,275,902,562,304

Division Iteration: 000035
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034359738368
Maximum Frequency: 3,369,993,333,393,829,974,333,376,885,877,453,834,204,643,052,817,571,560,137,951,281,152

Division Iteration: 000036
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000068719476736
Maximum Frequency: 1,684,996,666,696,914,987,166,688,442,938,726,917,102,321,526,408,785,780,068,975,640,576

Division Iteration: 000037
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000137438953472
Maximum Frequency: 842,498,333,348,457,493,583,344,221,469,363,458,551,160,763,204,392,890,034,487,820,288

Division Iteration: 000038
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000274877906944
Maximum Frequency: 421,249,166,674,228,746,791,672,110,734,681,729,275,580,381,602,196,445,017,243,910,144

Division Iteration: 000039
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000549755813888
Maximum Frequency: 210,624,583,337,114,373,395,836,055,367,340,864,637,790,190,801,098,222,508,621,955,072

Division Iteration: 000040
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001099511627776
Maximum Frequency: 105,312,291,668,557,186,697,918,027,683,670,432,318,895,095,400,549,111,254,310,977,536

Division Iteration: 000041
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002199023255552
Maximum Frequency: 52,656,145,834,278,593,348,959,013,841,835,216,159,447,547,700,274,555,627,155,488,768

Division Iteration: 000042
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004398046511104
Maximum Frequency: 26,328,072,917,139,296,674,479,506,920,917,608,079,723,773,850,137,277,813,577,744,384

Division Iteration: 000043
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008796093022208
Maximum Frequency: 13,164,036,458,569,648,337,239,753,460,458,804,039,861,886,925,068,638,906,788,872,192

Division Iteration: 000044
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017592186044416
Maximum Frequency: 6,582,018,229,284,824,168,619,876,730,229,402,019,930,943,462,534,319,453,394,436,096

Division Iteration: 000045
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035184372088832
Maximum Frequency: 3,291,009,114,642,412,084,309,938,365,114,701,009,965,471,731,267,159,726,697,218,048

Division Iteration: 000046
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000070368744177664
Maximum Frequency: 1,645,504,557,321,206,042,154,969,182,557,350,504,982,735,865,633,579,863,348,609,024

Division Iteration: 000047
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140737488355328
Maximum Frequency: 822,752,278,660,603,021,077,484,591,278,675,252,491,367,932,816,789,931,674,304,512

Division Iteration: 000048
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000281474976710656
Maximum Frequency: 411,376,139,330,301,510,538,742,295,639,337,626,245,683,966,408,394,965,837,152,256

Division Iteration: 000049
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000562949953421312
Maximum Frequency: 205,688,069,665,150,755,269,371,147,819,668,813,122,841,983,204,197,482,918,576,128

Division Iteration: 000050
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001125899906842624
Maximum Frequency: 102,844,034,832,575,377,634,685,573,909,834,406,561,420,991,602,098,741,459,288,064

Division Iteration: 000051
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002251799813685248
Maximum Frequency: 51,422,017,416,287,688,817,342,786,954,917,203,280,710,495,801,049,370,729,644,032

Division Iteration: 000052
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004503599627370496
Maximum Frequency: 25,711,008,708,143,844,408,671,393,477,458,601,640,355,247,900,524,685,364,822,016

Division Iteration: 000053
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009007199254740992
Maximum Frequency: 12,855,504,354,071,922,204,335,696,738,729,300,820,177,623,950,262,342,682,411,008

Division Iteration: 000054
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018014398509481984
Maximum Frequency: 6,427,752,177,035,961,102,167,848,369,364,650,410,088,811,975,131,171,341,205,504

Division Iteration: 000055
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000036028797018963968
Maximum Frequency: 3,213,876,088,517,980,551,083,924,184,682,325,205,044,405,987,565,585,670,602,752

Division Iteration: 000056
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000072057594037927936
Maximum Frequency: 1,606,938,044,258,990,275,541,962,092,341,162,602,522,202,993,782,792,835,301,376

Division Iteration: 000057
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000144115188075855872
Maximum Frequency: 803,469,022,129,495,137,770,981,046,170,581,301,261,101,496,891,396,417,650,688

Division Iteration: 000058
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000288230376151711744
Maximum Frequency: 401,734,511,064,747,568,885,490,523,085,290,650,630,550,748,445,698,208,825,344

Division Iteration: 000059
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000576460752303423488
Maximum Frequency: 200,867,255,532,373,784,442,745,261,542,645,325,315,275,374,222,849,104,412,672

Division Iteration: 000060
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001152921504606846976
Maximum Frequency: 100,433,627,766,186,892,221,372,630,771,322,662,657,637,687,111,424,552,206,336

Division Iteration: 000061
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002305843009213693952
Maximum Frequency: 50,216,813,883,093,446,110,686,315,385,661,331,328,818,843,555,712,276,103,168

Division Iteration: 000062
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004611686018427387904
Maximum Frequency: 25,108,406,941,546,723,055,343,157,692,830,665,664,409,421,777,856,138,051,584

Division Iteration: 000063
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009223372036854775808
Maximum Frequency: 12,554,203,470,773,361,527,671,578,846,415,332,832,204,710,888,928,069,025,792

Division Iteration: 000064
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018446744073709551616
Maximum Frequency: 6,277,101,735,386,680,763,835,789,423,207,666,416,102,355,444,464,034,512,896

Division Iteration: 000065
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000036893488147419103232
Maximum Frequency: 3,138,550,867,693,340,381,917,894,711,603,833,208,051,177,722,232,017,256,448

Division Iteration: 000066
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000073786976294838206464
Maximum Frequency: 1,569,275,433,846,670,190,958,947,355,801,916,604,025,588,861,116,008,628,224

Division Iteration: 000067
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000147573952589676412928
Maximum Frequency: 784,637,716,923,335,095,479,473,677,900,958,302,012,794,430,558,004,314,112

Division Iteration: 000068
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000295147905179352825856
Maximum Frequency: 392,318,858,461,667,547,739,736,838,950,479,151,006,397,215,279,002,157,056

Division Iteration: 000069
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000590295810358705651712
Maximum Frequency: 196,159,429,230,833,773,869,868,419,475,239,575,503,198,607,639,501,078,528

Division Iteration: 000070
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001180591620717411303424
Maximum Frequency: 98,079,714,615,416,886,934,934,209,737,619,787,751,599,303,819,750,539,264

Division Iteration: 000071
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002361183241434822606848
Maximum Frequency: 49,039,857,307,708,443,467,467,104,868,809,893,875,799,651,909,875,269,632

Division Iteration: 000072
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004722366482869645213696
Maximum Frequency: 24,519,928,653,854,221,733,733,552,434,404,946,937,899,825,954,937,634,816

Division Iteration: 000073
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009444732965739290427392
Maximum Frequency: 12,259,964,326,927,110,866,866,776,217,202,473,468,949,912,977,468,817,408

Division Iteration: 000074
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018889465931478580854784
Maximum Frequency: 6,129,982,163,463,555,433,433,388,108,601,236,734,474,956,488,734,408,704

Division Iteration: 000075
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037778931862957161709568
Maximum Frequency: 3,064,991,081,731,777,716,716,694,054,300,618,367,237,478,244,367,204,352

Division Iteration: 000076
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000075557863725914323419136
Maximum Frequency: 1,532,495,540,865,888,858,358,347,027,150,309,183,618,739,122,183,602,176

Division Iteration: 000077
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151115727451828646838272
Maximum Frequency: 766,247,770,432,944,429,179,173,513,575,154,591,809,369,561,091,801,088

Division Iteration: 000078
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000302231454903657293676544
Maximum Frequency: 383,123,885,216,472,214,589,586,756,787,577,295,904,684,780,545,900,544

Division Iteration: 000079
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000604462909807314587353088
Maximum Frequency: 191,561,942,608,236,107,294,793,378,393,788,647,952,342,390,272,950,272

Division Iteration: 000080
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001208925819614629174706176
Maximum Frequency: 95,780,971,304,118,053,647,396,689,196,894,323,976,171,195,136,475,136

Division Iteration: 000081
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002417851639229258349412352
Maximum Frequency: 47,890,485,652,059,026,823,698,344,598,447,161,988,085,597,568,237,568

Division Iteration: 000082
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004835703278458516698824704
Maximum Frequency: 23,945,242,826,029,513,411,849,172,299,223,580,994,042,798,784,118,784

Division Iteration: 000083
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009671406556917033397649408
Maximum Frequency: 11,972,621,413,014,756,705,924,586,149,611,790,497,021,399,392,059,392

Division Iteration: 000084
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019342813113834066795298816
Maximum Frequency: 5,986,310,706,507,378,352,962,293,074,805,895,248,510,699,696,029,696

Division Iteration: 000085
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000038685626227668133590597632
Maximum Frequency: 2,993,155,353,253,689,176,481,146,537,402,947,624,255,349,848,014,848

Division Iteration: 000086
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000077371252455336267181195264
Maximum Frequency: 1,496,577,676,626,844,588,240,573,268,701,473,812,127,674,924,007,424

Division Iteration: 000087
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000154742504910672534362390528
Maximum Frequency: 748,288,838,313,422,294,120,286,634,350,736,906,063,837,462,003,712

Division Iteration: 000088
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000309485009821345068724781056
Maximum Frequency: 374,144,419,156,711,147,060,143,317,175,368,453,031,918,731,001,856

Division Iteration: 000089
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000618970019642690137449562112
Maximum Frequency: 187,072,209,578,355,573,530,071,658,587,684,226,515,959,365,500,928

Division Iteration: 000090
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001237940039285380274899124224
Maximum Frequency: 93,536,104,789,177,786,765,035,829,293,842,113,257,979,682,750,464

Division Iteration: 000091
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002475880078570760549798248448
Maximum Frequency: 46,768,052,394,588,893,382,517,914,646,921,056,628,989,841,375,232

Division Iteration: 000092
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004951760157141521099596496896
Maximum Frequency: 23,384,026,197,294,446,691,258,957,323,460,528,314,494,920,687,616

Division Iteration: 000093
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009903520314283042199192993792
Maximum Frequency: 11,692,013,098,647,223,345,629,478,661,730,264,157,247,460,343,808

Division Iteration: 000094
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019807040628566084398385987584
Maximum Frequency: 5,846,006,549,323,611,672,814,739,330,865,132,078,623,730,171,904

Division Iteration: 000095
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000039614081257132168796771975168
Maximum Frequency: 2,923,003,274,661,805,836,407,369,665,432,566,039,311,865,085,952

Division Iteration: 000096
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000079228162514264337593543950336
Maximum Frequency: 1,461,501,637,330,902,918,203,684,832,716,283,019,655,932,542,976

Division Iteration: 000097
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000158456325028528675187087900672
Maximum Frequency: 730,750,818,665,451,459,101,842,416,358,141,509,827,966,271,488

Division Iteration: 000098
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000316912650057057350374175801344
Maximum Frequency: 365,375,409,332,725,729,550,921,208,179,070,754,913,983,135,744

Division Iteration: 000099
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000633825300114114700748351602688
Maximum Frequency: 182,687,704,666,362,864,775,460,604,089,535,377,456,991,567,872

Division Iteration: 000100
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001267650600228229401496703205376
Maximum Frequency: 91,343,852,333,181,432,387,730,302,044,767,688,728,495,783,936

Division Iteration: 000101
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002535301200456458802993406410752
Maximum Frequency: 45,671,926,166,590,716,193,865,151,022,383,844,364,247,891,968

Division Iteration: 000102
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005070602400912917605986812821504
Maximum Frequency: 22,835,963,083,295,358,096,932,575,511,191,922,182,123,945,984

Division Iteration: 000103
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010141204801825835211973625643008
Maximum Frequency: 11,417,981,541,647,679,048,466,287,755,595,961,091,061,972,992

Division Iteration: 000104
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020282409603651670423947251286016
Maximum Frequency: 5,708,990,770,823,839,524,233,143,877,797,980,545,530,986,496

Division Iteration: 000105
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040564819207303340847894502572032
Maximum Frequency: 2,854,495,385,411,919,762,116,571,938,898,990,272,765,493,248

Division Iteration: 000106
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081129638414606681695789005144064
Maximum Frequency: 1,427,247,692,705,959,881,058,285,969,449,495,136,382,746,624

Division Iteration: 000107
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000162259276829213363391578010288128
Maximum Frequency: 713,623,846,352,979,940,529,142,984,724,747,568,191,373,312

Division Iteration: 000108
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000324518553658426726783156020576256
Maximum Frequency: 356,811,923,176,489,970,264,571,492,362,373,784,095,686,656

Division Iteration: 000109
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000649037107316853453566312041152512
Maximum Frequency: 178,405,961,588,244,985,132,285,746,181,186,892,047,843,328

Division Iteration: 000110
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001298074214633706907132624082305024
Maximum Frequency: 89,202,980,794,122,492,566,142,873,090,593,446,023,921,664

Division Iteration: 000111
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002596148429267413814265248164610048
Maximum Frequency: 44,601,490,397,061,246,283,071,436,545,296,723,011,960,832

Division Iteration: 000112
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005192296858534827628530496329220096
Maximum Frequency: 22,300,745,198,530,623,141,535,718,272,648,361,505,980,416

Division Iteration: 000113
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010384593717069655257060992658440192
Maximum Frequency: 11,150,372,599,265,311,570,767,859,136,324,180,752,990,208

Division Iteration: 000114
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020769187434139310514121985316880384
Maximum Frequency: 5,575,186,299,632,655,785,383,929,568,162,090,376,495,104

Division Iteration: 000115
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000041538374868278621028243970633760768
Maximum Frequency: 2,787,593,149,816,327,892,691,964,784,081,045,188,247,552

Division Iteration: 000116
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000083076749736557242056487941267521536
Maximum Frequency: 1,393,796,574,908,163,946,345,982,392,040,522,594,123,776

Division Iteration: 000117
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000166153499473114484112975882535043072
Maximum Frequency: 696,898,287,454,081,973,172,991,196,020,261,297,061,888

Division Iteration: 000118
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000332306998946228968225951765070086144
Maximum Frequency: 348,449,143,727,040,986,586,495,598,010,130,648,530,944

Division Iteration: 000119
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000664613997892457936451903530140172288
Maximum Frequency: 174,224,571,863,520,493,293,247,799,005,065,324,265,472

Division Iteration: 000120
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001329227995784915872903807060280344576
Maximum Frequency: 87,112,285,931,760,246,646,623,899,502,532,662,132,736

Division Iteration: 000121
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000002658455991569831745807614120560689152
Maximum Frequency: 43,556,142,965,880,123,323,311,949,751,266,331,066,368

Division Iteration: 000122
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000005316911983139663491615228241121378304
Maximum Frequency: 21,778,071,482,940,061,661,655,974,875,633,165,533,184

Division Iteration: 000123
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000010633823966279326983230456482242756608
Maximum Frequency: 10,889,035,741,470,030,830,827,987,437,816,582,766,592

Division Iteration: 000124
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000021267647932558653966460912964485513216
Maximum Frequency: 5,444,517,870,735,015,415,413,993,718,908,291,383,296

Division Iteration: 000125
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000042535295865117307932921825928971026432
Maximum Frequency: 2,722,258,935,367,507,707,706,996,859,454,145,691,648

Division Iteration: 000126
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000085070591730234615865843651857942052864
Maximum Frequency: 1,361,129,467,683,753,853,853,498,429,727,072,845,824

Division Iteration: 000127
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000170141183460469231731687303715884105728
Maximum Frequency: 680,564,733,841,876,926,926,749,214,863,536,422,912

Division Iteration: 000128
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000340282366920938463463374607431768211456
Maximum Frequency: 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456

Division Iteration: 000129
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000680564733841876926926749214863536422912
Maximum Frequency: 170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728

Division Iteration: 000130
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000001361129467683753853853498429727072845824
Maximum Frequency: 85,070,591,730,234,615,865,843,651,857,942,052,864

Division Iteration: 000131
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000002722258935367507707706996859454145691648
Maximum Frequency: 42,535,295,865,117,307,932,921,825,928,971,026,432

Division Iteration: 000132
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000005444517870735015415413993718908291383296
Maximum Frequency: 21,267,647,932,558,653,966,460,912,964,485,513,216

Division Iteration: 000133
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000010889035741470030830827987437816582766592
Maximum Frequency: 10,633,823,966,279,326,983,230,456,482,242,756,608

Division Iteration: 000134
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000021778071482940061661655974875633165533184
Maximum Frequency: 5,316,911,983,139,663,491,615,228,241,121,378,304

Division Iteration: 000135
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000043556142965880123323311949751266331066368
Maximum Frequency: 2,658,455,991,569,831,745,807,614,120,560,689,152

Division Iteration: 000136
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000087112285931760246646623899502532662132736
Maximum Frequency: 1,329,227,995,784,915,872,903,807,060,280,344,576

Division Iteration: 000137
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000174224571863520493293247799005065324265472
Maximum Frequency: 664,613,997,892,457,936,451,903,530,140,172,288

Division Iteration: 000138
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000348449143727040986586495598010130648530944
Maximum Frequency: 332,306,998,946,228,968,225,951,765,070,086,144

Division Iteration: 000139
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000696898287454081973172991196020261297061888
Maximum Frequency: 166,153,499,473,114,484,112,975,882,535,043,072

Division Iteration: 000140
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000001393796574908163946345982392040522594123776
Maximum Frequency: 83,076,749,736,557,242,056,487,941,267,521,536

Division Iteration: 000141
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000002787593149816327892691964784081045188247552
Maximum Frequency: 41,538,374,868,278,621,028,243,970,633,760,768

Division Iteration: 000142
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000005575186299632655785383929568162090376495104
Maximum Frequency: 20,769,187,434,139,310,514,121,985,316,880,384

Division Iteration: 000143
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000011150372599265311570767859136324180752990208
Maximum Frequency: 10,384,593,717,069,655,257,060,992,658,440,192

Division Iteration: 000144
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000022300745198530623141535718272648361505980416
Maximum Frequency: 5,192,296,858,534,827,628,530,496,329,220,096

Division Iteration: 000145
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000044601490397061246283071436545296723011960832
Maximum Frequency: 2,596,148,429,267,413,814,265,248,164,610,048

Division Iteration: 000146
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000089202980794122492566142873090593446023921664
Maximum Frequency: 1,298,074,214,633,706,907,132,624,082,305,024

Division Iteration: 000147
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000178405961588244985132285746181186892047843328
Maximum Frequency: 649,037,107,316,853,453,566,312,041,152,512

Division Iteration: 000148
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000356811923176489970264571492362373784095686656
Maximum Frequency: 324,518,553,658,426,726,783,156,020,576,256

Division Iteration: 000149
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000000713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312
Maximum Frequency: 162,259,276,829,213,363,391,578,010,288,128

Division Iteration: 000150
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000001427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624
Maximum Frequency: 81,129,638,414,606,681,695,789,005,144,064

Division Iteration: 000151
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000002854495385411919762116571938898990272765493248
Maximum Frequency: 40,564,819,207,303,340,847,894,502,572,032

Division Iteration: 000152
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000005708990770823839524233143877797980545530986496
Maximum Frequency: 20,282,409,603,651,670,423,947,251,286,016

Division Iteration: 000153
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000011417981541647679048466287755595961091061972992
Maximum Frequency: 10,141,204,801,825,835,211,973,625,643,008

Division Iteration: 000154
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000022835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984
Maximum Frequency: 5,070,602,400,912,917,605,986,812,821,504

Division Iteration: 000155
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000045671926166590716193865151022383844364247891968
Maximum Frequency: 2,535,301,200,456,458,802,993,406,410,752

Division Iteration: 000156
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000091343852333181432387730302044767688728495783936
Maximum Frequency: 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376

Division Iteration: 000157
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000182687704666362864775460604089535377456991567872
Maximum Frequency: 633,825,300,114,114,700,748,351,602,688

Division Iteration: 000158
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000365375409332725729550921208179070754913983135744
Maximum Frequency: 316,912,650,057,057,350,374,175,801,344

Division Iteration: 000159
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000000730750818665451459101842416358141509827966271488
Maximum Frequency: 158,456,325,028,528,675,187,087,900,672

Division Iteration: 000160
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000001461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542976
Maximum Frequency: 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336

Division Iteration: 000161
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000002923003274661805836407369665432566039311865085952
Maximum Frequency: 39,614,081,257,132,168,796,771,975,168

Division Iteration: 000162
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000005846006549323611672814739330865132078623730171904
Maximum Frequency: 19,807,040,628,566,084,398,385,987,584

Division Iteration: 000163
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000011692013098647223345629478661730264157247460343808
Maximum Frequency: 9,903,520,314,283,042,199,192,993,792

Division Iteration: 000164
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000023384026197294446691258957323460528314494920687616
Maximum Frequency: 4,951,760,157,141,521,099,596,496,896

Division Iteration: 000165
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000046768052394588893382517914646921056628989841375232
Maximum Frequency: 2,475,880,078,570,760,549,798,248,448

Division Iteration: 000166
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000093536104789177786765035829293842113257979682750464
Maximum Frequency: 1,237,940,039,285,380,274,899,124,224

Division Iteration: 000167
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000187072209578355573530071658587684226515959365500928
Maximum Frequency: 618,970,019,642,690,137,449,562,112

Division Iteration: 000168
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000374144419156711147060143317175368453031918731001856
Maximum Frequency: 309,485,009,821,345,068,724,781,056

Division Iteration: 000169
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000000748288838313422294120286634350736906063837462003712
Maximum Frequency: 154,742,504,910,672,534,362,390,528

Division Iteration: 000170
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000001496577676626844588240573268701473812127674924007424
Maximum Frequency: 77,371,252,455,336,267,181,195,264

Division Iteration: 000171
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000002993155353253689176481146537402947624255349848014848
Maximum Frequency: 38,685,626,227,668,133,590,597,632

Division Iteration: 000172
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000005986310706507378352962293074805895248510699696029696
Maximum Frequency: 19,342,813,113,834,066,795,298,816

Division Iteration: 000173
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000011972621413014756705924586149611790497021399392059392
Maximum Frequency: 9,671,406,556,917,033,397,649,408

Division Iteration: 000174
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000023945242826029513411849172299223580994042798784118784
Maximum Frequency: 4,835,703,278,458,516,698,824,704

Division Iteration: 000175
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000047890485652059026823698344598447161988085597568237568
Maximum Frequency: 2,417,851,639,229,258,349,412,352

Division Iteration: 000176
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000095780971304118053647396689196894323976171195136475136
Maximum Frequency: 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176

Division Iteration: 000177
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000191561942608236107294793378393788647952342390272950272
Maximum Frequency: 604,462,909,807,314,587,353,088

Division Iteration: 000178
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000383123885216472214589586756787577295904684780545900544
Maximum Frequency: 302,231,454,903,657,293,676,544

Division Iteration: 000179
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000000766247770432944429179173513575154591809369561091801088
Maximum Frequency: 151,115,727,451,828,646,838,272

Division Iteration: 000180
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000001532495540865888858358347027150309183618739122183602176
Maximum Frequency: 75,557,863,725,914,323,419,136

Division Iteration: 000181
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000003064991081731777716716694054300618367237478244367204352
Maximum Frequency: 37,778,931,862,957,161,709,568

Division Iteration: 000182
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000006129982163463555433433388108601236734474956488734408704
Maximum Frequency: 18,889,465,931,478,580,854,784

Division Iteration: 000183
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000012259964326927110866866776217202473468949912977468817408
Maximum Frequency: 9,444,732,965,739,290,427,392

Division Iteration: 000184
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000024519928653854221733733552434404946937899825954937634816
Maximum Frequency: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696

Division Iteration: 000185
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000049039857307708443467467104868809893875799651909875269632
Maximum Frequency: 2,361,183,241,434,822,606,848

Division Iteration: 000186
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000098079714615416886934934209737619787751599303819750539264
Maximum Frequency: 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424

Division Iteration: 000187
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000196159429230833773869868419475239575503198607639501078528
Maximum Frequency: 590,295,810,358,705,651,712

Division Iteration: 000188
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000392318858461667547739736838950479151006397215279002157056
Maximum Frequency: 295,147,905,179,352,825,856

Division Iteration: 000189
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000000784637716923335095479473677900958302012794430558004314112
Maximum Frequency: 147,573,952,589,676,412,928

Division Iteration: 000190
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000001569275433846670190958947355801916604025588861116008628224
Maximum Frequency: 73,786,976,294,838,206,464

Division Iteration: 000191
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000003138550867693340381917894711603833208051177722232017256448
Maximum Frequency: 36,893,488,147,419,103,232

Division Iteration: 000192
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000006277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896
Maximum Frequency: 18,446,744,073,709,551,616

Division Iteration: 000193
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000012554203470773361527671578846415332832204710888928069025792
Maximum Frequency: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

Division Iteration: 000194
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000025108406941546723055343157692830665664409421777856138051584
Maximum Frequency: 4,611,686,018,427,387,904

Division Iteration: 000195
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000050216813883093446110686315385661331328818843555712276103168
Maximum Frequency: 2,305,843,009,213,693,952

Division Iteration: 000196
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000100433627766186892221372630771322662657637687111424552206336
Maximum Frequency: 1,152,921,504,606,846,976

Division Iteration: 000197
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000200867255532373784442745261542645325315275374222849104412672
Maximum Frequency: 576,460,752,303,423,488

Division Iteration: 000198
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000401734511064747568885490523085290650630550748445698208825344
Maximum Frequency: 288,230,376,151,711,744

Division Iteration: 000199
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000000803469022129495137770981046170581301261101496891396417650688
Maximum Frequency: 144,115,188,075,855,872

Division Iteration: 000200
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000001606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376
Maximum Frequency: 72,057,594,037,927,936

Division Iteration: 000201
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000003213876088517980551083924184682325205044405987565585670602752
Maximum Frequency: 36,028,797,018,963,968

Division Iteration: 000202
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000006427752177035961102167848369364650410088811975131171341205504
Maximum Frequency: 18,014,398,509,481,984

Division Iteration: 000203
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000012855504354071922204335696738729300820177623950262342682411008
Maximum Frequency: 9,007,199,254,740,992

Division Iteration: 000204
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000025711008708143844408671393477458601640355247900524685364822016
Maximum Frequency: 4,503,599,627,370,496

Division Iteration: 000205
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000051422017416287688817342786954917203280710495801049370729644032
Maximum Frequency: 2,251,799,813,685,248

Division Iteration: 000206
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000102844034832575377634685573909834406561420991602098741459288064
Maximum Frequency: 1,125,899,906,842,624

Division Iteration: 000207
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000205688069665150755269371147819668813122841983204197482918576128
Maximum Frequency: 562,949,953,421,312

Division Iteration: 000208
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000411376139330301510538742295639337626245683966408394965837152256
Maximum Frequency: 281,474,976,710,656

Division Iteration: 000209
Division Sequence: 00000000000000000822752278660603021077484591278675252491367932816789931674304512
Maximum Frequency: 140,737,488,355,328

Division Iteration: 000210
Division Sequence: 00000000000000001645504557321206042154969182557350504982735865633579863348609024
Maximum Frequency: 70,368,744,177,664

Division Iteration: 000211
Division Sequence: 00000000000000003291009114642412084309938365114701009965471731267159726697218048
Maximum Frequency: 35,184,372,088,832

Division Iteration: 000212
Division Sequence: 00000000000000006582018229284824168619876730229402019930943462534319453394436096
Maximum Frequency: 17,592,186,044,416

Division Iteration: 000213
Division Sequence: 00000000000000013164036458569648337239753460458804039861886925068638906788872192
Maximum Frequency: 8,796,093,022,208

Division Iteration: 000214
Division Sequence: 00000000000000026328072917139296674479506920917608079723773850137277813577744384
Maximum Frequency: 4,398,046,511,104

Division Iteration: 000215
Division Sequence: 00000000000000052656145834278593348959013841835216159447547700274555627155488768
Maximum Frequency: 2,199,023,255,552

Division Iteration: 000216
Division Sequence: 00000000000000105312291668557186697918027683670432318895095400549111254310977536
Maximum Frequency: 1,099,511,627,776

Division Iteration: 000217
Division Sequence: 00000000000000210624583337114373395836055367340864637790190801098222508621955072
Maximum Frequency: 549,755,813,888

Division Iteration: 000218
Division Sequence: 00000000000000421249166674228746791672110734681729275580381602196445017243910144
Maximum Frequency: 274,877,906,944

Division Iteration: 000219
Division Sequence: 00000000000000842498333348457493583344221469363458551160763204392890034487820288
Maximum Frequency: 137,438,953,472

Division Iteration: 000220
Division Sequence: 00000000000001684996666696914987166688442938726917102321526408785780068975640576
Maximum Frequency: 68,719,476,736

Division Iteration: 000221
Division Sequence: 00000000000003369993333393829974333376885877453834204643052817571560137951281152
Maximum Frequency: 34,359,738,368

Division Iteration: 000222
Division Sequence: 00000000000006739986666787659948666753771754907668409286105635143120275902562304
Maximum Frequency: 17,179,869,184

Division Iteration: 000223
Division Sequence: 00000000000013479973333575319897333507543509815336818572211270286240551805124608
Maximum Frequency: 8,589,934,592

Division Iteration: 000224
Division Sequence: 00000000000026959946667150639794667015087019630673637144422540572481103610249216
Maximum Frequency: 4,294,967,296

Division Iteration: 000225
Division Sequence: 00000000000053919893334301279589334030174039261347274288845081144962207220498432
Maximum Frequency: 2,147,483,648

Division Iteration: 000226
Division Sequence: 00000000000107839786668602559178668060348078522694548577690162289924414440996864
Maximum Frequency: 1,073,741,824

Division Iteration: 000227
Division Sequence: 00000000000215679573337205118357336120696157045389097155380324579848828881993728
Maximum Frequency: 536,870,912

Division Iteration: 000228
Division Sequence: 00000000000431359146674410236714672241392314090778194310760649159697657763987456
Maximum Frequency: 268,435,456

Division Iteration: 000229
Division Sequence: 00000000000862718293348820473429344482784628181556388621521298319395315527974912
Maximum Frequency: 134,217,728

Division Iteration: 000230
Division Sequence: 00000000001725436586697640946858688965569256363112777243042596638790631055949824
Maximum Frequency: 67,108,864

Division Iteration: 000231
Division Sequence: 00000000003450873173395281893717377931138512726225554486085193277581262111899648
Maximum Frequency: 33,554,432

Division Iteration: 000232
Division Sequence: 00000000006901746346790563787434755862277025452451108972170386555162524223799296
Maximum Frequency: 16,777,216

Division Iteration: 000233
Division Sequence: 00000000013803492693581127574869511724554050904902217944340773110325048447598592
Maximum Frequency: 8,388,608

Division Iteration: 000234
Division Sequence: 00000000027606985387162255149739023449108101809804435888681546220650096895197184
Maximum Frequency: 4,194,304

Division Iteration: 000235
Division Sequence: 00000000055213970774324510299478046898216203619608871777363092441300193790394368
Maximum Frequency: 2,097,152

Division Iteration: 000236
Division Sequence: 00000000110427941548649020598956093796432407239217743554726184882600387580788736
Maximum Frequency: 1,048,576

Division Iteration: 000237
Division Sequence: 00000000220855883097298041197912187592864814478435487109452369765200775161577472
Maximum Frequency: 524,288

Division Iteration: 000238
Division Sequence: 00000000441711766194596082395824375185729628956870974218904739530401550323154944
Maximum Frequency: 262,144

Division Iteration: 000239
Division Sequence: 00000000883423532389192164791648750371459257913741948437809479060803100646309888
Maximum Frequency: 131,072

Division Iteration: 000240
Division Sequence: 00000001766847064778384329583297500742918515827483896875618958121606201292619776
Maximum Frequency: 65,536

Division Iteration: 000241
Division Sequence: 00000003533694129556768659166595001485837031654967793751237916243212402585239552
Maximum Frequency: 32,768

Division Iteration: 000242
Division Sequence: 00000007067388259113537318333190002971674063309935587502475832486424805170479104
Maximum Frequency: 16,384

Division Iteration: 000243
Division Sequence: 00000014134776518227074636666380005943348126619871175004951664972849610340958208
Maximum Frequency: 8,192

Division Iteration: 000244
Division Sequence: 00000028269553036454149273332760011886696253239742350009903329945699220681916416
Maximum Frequency: 4,096

Division Iteration: 000245
Division Sequence: 00000056539106072908298546665520023773392506479484700019806659891398441363832832
Maximum Frequency: 2,048

Division Iteration: 000246
Division Sequence: 00000113078212145816597093331040047546785012958969400039613319782796882727665664
Maximum Frequency: 1,024

Division Iteration: 000247
Division Sequence: 00000226156424291633194186662080095093570025917938800079226639565593765455331328
Maximum Frequency: 512

Division Iteration: 000248
Division Sequence: 00000452312848583266388373324160190187140051835877600158453279131187530910662656
Maximum Frequency: 256

Division Iteration: 000249
Division Sequence: 00000904625697166532776746648320380374280103671755200316906558262375061821325312
Maximum Frequency: 128

Division Iteration: 000250
Division Sequence: 00001809251394333065553493296640760748560207343510400633813116524750123642650624
Maximum Frequency: 64

Division Iteration: 000251
Division Sequence: 00003618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248
Maximum Frequency: 32

Division Iteration: 000252
Division Sequence: 00007237005577332262213973186563042994240829374041602535252466099000494570602496
Maximum Frequency: 16

Division Iteration: 000253
Division Sequence: 00014474011154664524427946373126085988481658748083205070504932198000989141204992
Maximum Frequency: 8

Division Iteration: 000254
Division Sequence: 00028948022309329048855892746252171976963317496166410141009864396001978282409984
Maximum Frequency: 4

Division Iteration: 000255
Division Sequence: 00057896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968
Maximum Frequency: 2

Division Iteration: 000256
Division Sequence: 00115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936
Maximum Frequency: 1

These Drives Are Designed To Store Qubits As Bits In Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Devices. The Dimensions Of Each Cell Are The Dimensions Of A Qubit, Making Them Compatible With Quantized Linear Time Computing Measurements & Dimensions.

Extra Large Processors Can Be Made To Hold Several Cores And A Quantized Linear Computing Processor In Excess Of 100 q-mm x 100 q-mm Isn't In The Realm Of Fantasy For 512+ Core Chips.
Licensing Payments To SphereQ Corporation & The Lindholm & Lehman Family Are Calculated As The Number Of (Operations Per Quantized Second Per Processor / 100000000) * 1.00 USD)
Microprocessors That Operate At A Frequency Higher Than 190,000,000,000 Operations Per Second Are Subject To Various Regulation And Export Laws As Being Too Powerful For Most Individuals And Corporations. https://www.everycrsreport.com/files/20050505_RL31175_c470e567dc5de8d6f63045d352ca6ff1b7b2e523.pdf
The Number Of Floating Point Operations Per Cycle Is Dependent On The Width Of The Floating Point Number. On 128-Qubit Architecture, A Floating Point Number Can Have A Precision Of 2128 Making The Calculation Of FLOPS Per Cycle Difficult Without The Hardware Already Engineered.
How is FLOPS calculated? FLOPS is calculated by multiplying the number of floating-point operations performed per second by the number of operations per instruction and dividing it by the execution time. It gives us an idea of how fast a computer or processor can perform these operations.
All The Current Published 'FLOPS' Specifications Are Calculated Using Relativity & Atomic Time, Instead Of Quantized Linear Time, Making Them Invalid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLOPS

FLOPQS Is Invented For The Purpose Of Using A Similar Measurement For 'Quantized Time', It Means Floating Point Operations Per Quantized Second or F.L.O.P.Q.S.
FLOPS = sockets * (cores per socket) * (number of clock cycles per second) * (number of floating point operations per cycle)
FLOPQS = sockets * (cores per socket) * (number of clock cycles per quantized second) * (number of floating point operations per cycle)
Because QLTCP Engineering Processors Have Dedicated Address Space For Individual RAM Slots, The FLOPQS Is Multiplied By The Number Of RAM Slots In Usage, Which Increases The Computational Power Of The Processor And System As A Whole. If 4 RAM Slots Are Active, The CPU Can Handle 4 Individual Operations That Require System RAM At The Same Time.
FLOPQS = sockets * (cores per socket) * (number of clock cycles per quantized second) * (number of floating point operations per cycle) * (number of active memory (RAM) slots in usage per cycle)

For The Calculation Of FLOPS Per Second, The Second Has To First Be Converted To The Quantized Linear Second And The Length Of A Floating Point Number Has To Be Extended To 2128 With A Maximum Length/Value Of 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456. This Value Can Be Converted Into Several Variations Of Floating Point Number Values.
For These Examples, We're Assuming A Floating Point Number Is 128 Qubits And Each Core Is Calculated Independently And One Floating Point Operating Can Be Completed Per Cycle.
Tying Computer Time To Physical Time Is Required For Quantized Linear Time Compatible Computing.
4D/Q Series Processors & Motherboards May Be Named According To This Division/Multiplier Count.
Planck Time Is Exceeded.
A New Symbol/Notation Is Required For Division To The Power Of As There Is For Multiplication To The Power Of. I Recommend Xn Example: 1002 Which Equals 400.
This May Be Only Applicable When Dividing Time-Space Frequencies To Double Or Multiply The Resulting Value In Hertz. It's Not Possible To Stop Time On Earth And It's Fixed At This
100 Q-Hz Cycle. The Only Way To Raise The Clockrate On Quantized Linear Time Computers Is To Divide From This 100 Q-Hz Fixed Frequency Of Motion From The Equator.

All Variations And Derivatives Of This Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Time, Physics, Measurement, & Computing Structure Remain Copyprotected & Useprotected 1969-2000 AC (Epoch Rollover), 2000-2030 (After Christ), 02007-02024, AC / 02038-02054, LLQT/SVQT/AQT (Lindholm & Lehman Quantized Time, Silicon Valley Quantized Time, American Quantized Time) © Licensed To The Global Darwinism Based Biological Population & Paying Licensees Through SphereQ Corporation / Microsoft Corporation / Intel Corporation QLTCP Compatible Hardware & Software Beginning Around 2008, AC to 2018, AC (The Y2K38 Superbug) by SphereQ Corporation, Lindholm Industries, LLC, & Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm. Our Religion Remains Global Darwinism And We Remain Members Of The Biological Human Race And Our Political Views Remain 'Quantized & AUFT Date Transposed United States Federal, State, & Local Laws In The United States of America / Common Law of England In European Countries / Democratic Laws of Sweden In Sweden & Capitalism'.  We're Natural Born Scandinavian-American & Irish-American Citizens By Birth.
These Quantized Computing Time Systems Remain Licensed To The Global Darwinism Based Biological Population & Paying Licensees Of SphereQ Corporation / Microsoft Corporation / Intel Corporation QLTCP Compatible Hardware & Software By 'SphereQ Corporation', 'Matthew Shawn Lindholm', & 'Lindholm Industries, LLC' As The Original Author Of It For ((Number Of Operations Per Quantized Second Per Processor / 100000000) * 1.00 USD) Per Computer Processor & $0.01 USD Per Non Electronic Implementation To Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm or SphereQ Corporation (A Minimum Of 100 Licenses For Prototyping/Production Is Required) Mailed To 128 California Street, APT D, Rio Vista, California 94571.
The General Public Appears To Have No Direct Interest In Quantized Linear Time or Adapted Unified Field Theory And Haven't Used It Or Even Approached Me About Using, So I Can Only Assume All The Computers And Systems Are Running Fine And Computer Database Companies Are Still In Operation.

Darwinists Are Categorized As People That Are The Biological Offspring Of Natural Selection, Meaning They Have A 'Biological Mother & Father' As Opposed To Being 'Spawned' Onto Earth Or Existing In The 'Spirit World'.

We Can't Be Part Of A Non-Profit Because We Need To Earn Money For Food And Housing. If At Any Point The Government Becomes Run By A Non-Profit, They Are No Longer The Government But Are Stuck In A Legal Paradox That Consumes All Their Money And The Only Thing That Makes Sense Is To Stay Away From Them.

Matthew Shawn Lindholm is remaining without another lover as he has been since he last saw his wife and kids and is staying that way until they return. His number of sexual partners remains 4.

All Content On This Website Remains Physics Work By Matthew Shawn Lindholm & Family As Part Of An Application To Work At 'Microsoft Corporation' or 'Intel Corporation' Making Quantized Computers & Software.

All Portions Of This Quantized Linear Time Computing & Adapted Unified Field Theory Computing Structure Are Licensed To Microsoft Corporation / Intel Corporation For ((Number Of Operations Per Quantized Second Per Processor / 100000000) * 1.00 USD) Per Computer Processor & $0.01 USD Per Non Electronic Implementation (Deducting $1,000,000 USD Paid To Matthew Shawn Lindholm As A Good Faith Preliminary Payment, $1,000,000 USD Paid To Raymond Glen Lindholm, $1,000,000 USD Paid To James Richard Lehman, $1,000,000 USD Paid To John Steven Lomagno (Matt's Nephew), $1,000,000 USD Paid To Kenneth Alan Herlin (Matt's Nephew), $1,000,000 USD Paid To Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lundell Lindholm, $1,000,000 USD Paid To Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, $1,000,000 USD Paid To Maya Faith Lindholm, $1,000,000 USD Paid To Elizabeth Ames (Matts Sister), & $1,000,000 USD Paid To Deborah Lynn Edwards - For Working On The Y2K38 Bug So We Can Start Our Own Video Game Development Company And Work On New Inventions.
Payment To Matthew Shawn Lindholm May Be Made To Capital One ACCOUNT NUMBER: 36016160173 / ROUTING NUMBER: 031176110 - By Microsoft Corporation & Intel Corporation. You'll have to call me on the 'phone', 'email', and 'text' at 279-799-7735 or sales@sphereq.com.

The Least Expensive QLTCP License Is:
(U) 4D-000/Q-000 - Cores: #001 100 Q-Hz (Sup-Planck) - 1 Hecto-Q-Hertz / 1 Hecto-FLOPS / 43 OPS/Sec (Atomic Time) / 100 OPS/Sec (Quantized Time) - License Fee: $0.0000010000 USD - MSRP: $0.0000100000 USD
The United States Government, Although Interested In Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics, Time, And Computing, Hasn't Been Able To Implement It Or Use It Themselves And Rely On The Hundreds Of Thousands Of Computer Engineers To Perfect And Explain It To Them And How It's Useful For Future And Present Day Computing.
The Licensing Fees Per 4-5 Years Can Be Estimated By Calculating The Average MTOPQS (Million Theoretical Operations Per Quantized Second Per Processor) For Normal Desktop/Laptop Users Of About $15.00 Each Multiplied By Half The U.S. Population Of About 200 Million People, or $3,000,000,000 USD.
The Lindholm & Lehman Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Computing Time, Measurement, And Physics Systems Remain Licensed To The Global Darwinism Based Biological Population & Paying Licensees Of SphereQ Corporation / Microsoft Corporation / Intel Corporation QLTCP Compatible Hardware & Software.

We're Not Able To Be And Don't Want To Be Federal, Military, or Government Employees And Impersonating Them Remains A Criminal Charge Of 25 Years In Prison, We Prefer Remaining Private Corporate Business Owners/Employees.   It's Already Been Determined No One Can 'Assume A Role' In Government or In Business As Unlawful Acting And Impersonation.  Those Found Guilty Of Impersonating Government or Military Personnel Are Often Put Into The World Of Eternal Damnation or A Non-Optional 20+ Year Prison Term.

Unified 4D Game Engine
Natural Born American Scandinavian Scientist Family Family (As Of 2024, AC / 2054, LLQT), Physicists, Computer Engineers, Computer Programmers, Game Developers (Non Government), Authors Of Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics And Refiners Of Unified Field Theory:
We Can Research Just About Anything We Choose & Any Topic We Choose. It's Part Of The Benefits Of Being The Authors Of Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics.
Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics Has Never Been Used Before In The Real World Because No One Had The Technology. There Were No Satellites Or Accurate Measurement Equipment Just A Few Hundred Years Ago.
Matthew Shawn Lindholm & Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lundell Lindholm Married: 2003-03-23, AC / 2033-03-23, AUFT
Matthew Shawn Lindholm (Born: Saint Paul, MN / 1978-08-02, AC / 2008-08-02, AUFT) Quantized Age: 16866 (Days) / 46.85 (Years)
Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lundell Lindholm, (Birth Name: Alessa Maria McCaslin, Legal Name: Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lundell Lindholm, Born: Los Angeles, California / 1982-07-31, AC / 2012-07-31, AUFT) Quantized Age: 15407 (Days) / 42.797222222222 (Years)
Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm (Born: Placerville, California / 2003-05-11, AC / 2033-05-11, AUFT) Quantized Age: 7818 (Days) / 21.716666666667 (Years)
Maya Faith Lindholm (Born: Roseville, California / 2007-05-17, AC / 2037-05-17, AUFT) Quantized Age: 6351 (Days) / 17.641666666667 (Years)
Days Since Year Zero (0000-01-01): 739,561 (Days). Years: 2054.3361111111
Days Matthew & Chelsea Have Been Married: 7867 (Days). / 21.553424657534 (Years) Having Sex About 2 Times A Day, That Is 15734 Times Multiplied By 45-70 Minutes Per Time, Sometimes Up To Six Hours On Special Occasions, That Is At Least 15734 Hours.
Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm (And Our Parents & Relatives) are actively and retroactively withdrawn from all government, military, and non-government projects, recruitment, employment, deployment, and experiments.
Days Since Matthew Shawn Lindholm Has Had Sex or Been With Someone Waiting For His Wife & Kids To Return: 2,765 (Days). Years: 7.6805555555556
Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm (And Our Parents & Relatives) are actively and retroactively withdrawn from all government, military, and related projects, recruitment, employment, deployment, and experiments (Except For Our Own Personal & Business Projects).

Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm Remains The Inventors And Refiners Of Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics, Fixing Unified Field Theory, Inventing Divided Field Theory, Inventing Adapted Divided Field Theory, & Inventing Adapted Unified Field Theory.
The Lindholm & Lehman Time And Physics System Remains The Only Working Model Of Quantized & Adapted Unified Field Theory Physics, Time, Measurements, & Computing And Remains 100% Under The Authorship & Ownership of Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm.
All Other Derivatives And Variations Of This Time Standard Remain Disabled And Deactivated.
Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, And Maya Faith Lindholm Remain The Inventors And Refiners Of Quantum Physics, Fixing Unified Field Theory, Inventing Divided Field Theory, And Inventing Quantum Divided Field Theory.
The Lindholm & Lehman Time And Physics System Remains The Only Working Model Of Quantized Linear Time Based Computing & Physics And Remains 100% Under The Authorship of Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Chelsea Lauren Lehman Lindholm, Malcolm Gabriel Lindholm, & Maya Faith Lindholm. Not Even The Greek, Vatican, Asians, Jewish, CIA, NASA, NSA, Nazis, Scientology, Illuminati, England, Luciferians, Satanists, Jesuits, Germans, Russians, United States Government, Or Egyptians Made Use Of These Mathematics And Had No Knowledge Of It. No One Did. There's Not A Single Record In Known Existence Using The Quantum Year Except For Ours.
All Other Derivatives And Variations Of This Time Standard Remain Disabled And Deactivated.

For Job Offers For Matthew Shawn Lindholm, Please Review His Resume At Link: MATTHEW-SHAWN-LINDHOLM-RESUME.docx or email him at Link: matthewshawnlindholm@outlook.com

When The Y2K38 Bug Hit Facebook, Almost All The Database Records Rolled Over To 1969. This Is Part Of The Necessity Of New Computers & Software.

After 7 Years Of Russian Based SSRM Interrogations Against Over 200 Million Americans By A Fake Federal Government, No One Supports The Government Any Longer And No Ones Cares About Who Became President Or Who Will Try And Be The Next President. All Votes Cast By Individuals Under A State of Hypnosis, Simply Can't Be Counted As Legally Valid. It's About The Same As The Movie 'Man Of The Year' With A Comedian Posing As President. The JEDI Contracts Virtualized All Government, Military, And Politicians In A Fictional Scripted Reality. Most Other Countries Remain Unphased By The American Disease Of Insanity.

American Voters Were 'Conditioned' With Post Hypnotic Suggestion To 'Vote For Trump' In 2016, AC Just As In The Movie 'Zoolander'. All His Votes Were Cancelled As A Result. It's The Responsibility Of Washington, DC To Prevent This Type Of Electoral Fraud.
Donald John Trump, Sr Lost His 2016 Presidential Term To Electoral Fraud And The Term Was Transferred To Hillary Clinton, John Ellis Bush, or The Next Available Patriotic American Christian Protestant Politician Running For Office As 45th United States President, The Most Effective Of Them At Preventing Singularity, Separations Of Family Members, And The Conversion Of Heterosexual People To Homosexual People (Gay Conversion Therapy) As Part Of A Plan To 'End Biology' or 'Transcend Biology', Which Would End The Human Race And Human Reproduction. Existing U.S. Federal Regulators Will Have To Round Up The Super Wealthy Pedophilia Rings, Human Traffickers, And Related Groups To Eliminate Them From The Population As Too Influencial To Be Allowed Among The General Population. Their Negligence And Private Practices Are Simply Too Illegal And Too Gross To Allow Them To Continue. No Person Is Above The Law And No Individual Or Group Of Individuals May Act Outside Of The Laws Written Forth In The United States Criminal Justice Codes And U.S. Constitutional Regulatory Structure. Those That Attempt Are Simply Suffering From A Psychological Disorder That Makes Them Believe They're Above Everyone And They Were Likely Hypnotized To Believe So. Many Should Be Held On Psychiatric Holds Because They're Too Dangerous To Be Among The General Population Or Others. Many Of Those Individuals Are On The Epstein List As People That Think They 'Control The Worlds Money' Instead Of The U.S. Federal Reserve.

The United States Government & Military Doesn't Understand Quantum Physics or Computing Yet. They Might Some Day And Until Then, They Think A Quantum Computer Is Faster Than The Speed Of Light At Decrypting Messages.

The Most Important Math In The World: The Circumference Of Earth Is 16,000 Quantized Miles or 40,000 Quantized Kilometres Around The Equator.
QLTCP Engineering Silicon Valley American-Metric Darwinism Space-Time Now (All Particles Have A Location - X,Y, & Z And Time Constant, T):
Estimated Quantized Seconds Since 01/01/0000, AC: 147,905,832,608.796295
This Is 5,916,233,304,351,851,937,792 Qubits Since 01/01/0000, AC
The SphereQ Corporation Quantized Rulers: A 200 Quantized Millimetre Ruler Has 4,000,000 Qubits As A Unit Of Distance.
This Page Viewed: 0000001089 Times.
Page Generated In: 0.226351949903700000 Quantized Linear Microseconds / 0.097784042358398000 Atomic Microseconds.